La Casa della Felicità

4.5/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact La Casa della Felicità

Address :

Via Poggio dei Mari, 38, 80129 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9878
Website :
Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Poggio dei Mari, 38, 80129 Napoli NA, Italy
Karol Ramondino on Google

susanna autiero on Google

domenico gala on Google

Super . Ho portato mio padre che era rimasto solo , ero molto scettico ma invece si e' trovato benissimo . Persone molto qualificate ed umane . Li consiglio.
Super. I brought my father who was left alone, I was very skeptical but instead he had a great time. Very qualified and human people. I recommend them.
Nico Vigna on Google

Persone molto umane e cortese , fanno sentire gli ospiti come se fossero a casa loro . Ho poro da loro due parenti anziani e si sono trovati benissimo .
Very human and courteous people, they make guests feel like they are at home. I pore two elderly relatives from them and they had a great time.

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