Institute Foundation G.Giglio

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Institute Foundation G.Giglio

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Contrada Pietrapollastra, Via Pisciotto, 90015 Cefalù PA, Italy

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Postal code : 90015
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City : Cefalu'

Contrada Pietrapollastra, Via Pisciotto, 90015 Cefalù PA, Italy
José Apeldoorn on Google

Slecht! Niet heengaan! Horror hospital! 8 uur lang opgesloten gezeten op de spoedeisende hulp. Streng bewaakt. Alleen voor een rontgenfoto van vinger om te beoordelen of hij gebroken was. Dit was niet het geval zeiden ze. Na 3 weken pijn naar eigen ziekenhuis en wat blijkt....hij was wel gebroken!!!
Bad! Don't go! Horror hospital! Locked up in the emergency room for 8 hours. Strictly guarded. Just for an x-ray of finger to judge if it was broken. This was not the case they said. After 3 weeks of pain to his own hospital and guess what.... he was broken!!!
Giovanni Cincotta on Google

Mi chiamo Giovanni Cincotta, sono stato ricoverato d’urgenza, il 06/11/2021 per nove costole rotte con perforazionedel polmone ?. L’intervento chirurgico del Dott Arena a cui ringrazio immensamente è andato tutto bene ? Ringrazio tutto il personale infermieristico e OSS per professionalità ed efficenza. Siete l’orgoglio della sanità Siciliana. Vi ringrazio tutti. Grazie ?
My name is Giovanni Cincotta, I was hospitalized in an emergency on 06/11/2021 for nine broken ribs with lung perforation ?. Dr. Arena's surgery to which I thank immensely went well ? I thank all the nursing staff and OSS for their professionalism and efficiency. You are the pride of Sicilian healthcare. I thank you all. Thanks ?
Gaetano Caputo on Google

Dottoressa Almarosa Lombardo molto maleducata e scontrosa si facesse un bagno di umiltà fare il dottore e una missione se lo ricordi bene. In hospedale si viene per necessità e non per divertimento. Alla direzione direi vivamente di cambiarla con una più gentile e disponibile.
Ginetta Vitale on Google

Mio padre lotta ancora per continuare a vivere. Il primo ricovero è stato a maggio 2020 per una colangite batterica con ascessi al fegato. Curato solo con antibiotici e dimesso con l''impegno di dover contattare uno specialista che doveva valutare il caso. Il secondo ricovero a giugno 2021 sempre colangite batterica con ascessi al fegato. Curata solo con antibiotici e dimesso, con la promessa che avrebbero ricontattato a breve mio padre dopo che il fantomatico specialista avrebbe valutato il caso . Siamo ad ottobre 2021....di nuovo la febbre....mio padre viene nuovamente ricoverato : stavolta però per una grave setticemia causata dagli ascessi che ancora erano presenti nel fegato e non solo e che di fatto non erano mai andati via. Mio padre viene dimesso dall''ospedale dopo 20 giorni di ricovero, 20 giorni di sofferenze , 20 giorni di antibiotici molto forti... con la promessa che lo specialista avrebbe finalmente studiato il caso . Mio padre si trova ora in un altro ospedale, per fortuna. È stato operato , un intervento lungo e complesso ma senza il quale non avrebbe avuto chance. È debilitato...molto.. Il fegato , le vie biliari e le parti intorno erano tutte contaminate da batteri. Stiamo ancora aspettando che lo specialista valuti il caso di mio padre. Io spero con tutto il cuore che mio padre si riprenda e che nonostante tutte le sofferenze che sta passando possa ritornare a vivere la sua vita in modo sereno. E auguro invece a chi doveva contattare lo specialista di provare le stesse paure e le stesse nostre sofferenze. Un ospedale pessimo. Professionalità e umanità inesistenti. Non sono stati in grado di curare una patologia che poteva portare alla morte. Non sono stati neanche in grado di essere chiari e onesti né con il paziente né con i familiari.. Medici inaffidabili, quelli che abbiamo avuto la sfortuna di incontrare a Cefalù. Medici e chirurghi preparati, umani, affidabili quelli che ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere e incontrare altrove ai quali ho affidato mio padre e ai quali devo dire Grazie.
My father still struggles to keep living. The first hospitalization was in May 2020 for bacterial cholangitis with liver abscesses. Cured only with antibiotics and discharged with the commitment of having to contact a specialist who had to evaluate the case. The second hospitalization in June 2021 always bacterial cholangitis with liver abscesses. Treated only with antibiotics and discharged, with the promise that they would contact my father shortly after the elusive specialist would evaluate the case. We are in October 2021 .... the fever again .... my father is hospitalized again: this time, however, for a serious septicemia caused by the abscesses that were still present in the liver and beyond and that in fact had never gone away. My father is discharged from the hospital after 20 days of hospitalization, 20 days of suffering, 20 days of very strong antibiotics ... with the promise that the specialist would finally study the case. My father is now in another hospital, thankfully. It was an operation, a long and complex operation but without which he would have had no chance. He is debilitated ... a lot .. The liver, biliary tract and parts around it were all contaminated with bacteria. We are still waiting for the specialist to evaluate my father's case. I hope with all my heart that my father will recover and that despite all the suffering he is going through he will be able to return to live his life in a peaceful way. And instead I wish those who had to contact the specialist to experience the same fears and sufferings as ours. A bad hospital. Non-existent professionalism and humanity. They were unable to cure a condition that could lead to death. They have not even been able to be clear and honest with either the patient or family members. Unreliable doctors, the ones we had the misfortune to meet in Cefalù. Trained, human, reliable doctors and surgeons, the ones I was lucky enough to know and meet elsewhere, to whom I entrusted my father and to whom I have to say Thanks.
Daniel Fortune on Google

PESSIMO Ha da una settimana che provo a mettermi in contatto con il reparto di urologia e nessuno risponde al telefono, stessa situazione con la portineria. Anzi, staccano pure la chiamata. Ho un familiare ricoverato che è stato operato (con complicazioni post operazione: emorragia) di cui non ricevo notizie da alcuni giorni e nessuno si degna nel farci avere notizie. Mi presenterò in ospedale coi carabinieri. SIETE PESSIMI!
BAD I have been trying to get in touch with the urology department for a week and no one answers the phone, same situation with the concierge. Indeed, they also take off the call. I have a hospitalized family member who has been operated on (with post-operation complications: haemorrhage) of whom I have not received news for a few days and nobody deigns to let us know. I will report to the hospital with the carabinieri. YOU ARE BAD!
maria rita cardllo on Google

Breast Unit. Tutti gentili e professionali. Purtroppo colui che mi ha operato ha pensato bene di distinguersi dalla massa e si è comportato malissimo. Peccato che della Medical School di Harvard, dove si vanta di aver studiato (un anno) forse non ha ben compreso il motto: VERITAS. Gentilissimo Gennari! It means "truth". Ho cercato di comunicare con lei più volte in ospedale per un problema post operatorio che ESISTE! La versione "non c'è niente" in stile via Wagner non funziona. Per me l'unico aspetto della Breast Unit che non ha funzionato è proprio lei. E considerando che la prima volta che sono stata operata lei non c'era e tutto è filato liscio, mi sembra semplice trarre le conclusioni.
Breast Unit. All polite and professional. Unfortunately, the one who operated on me saw fit to stand out from the crowd and behaved very badly. Too bad that at Harvard Medical School, where he boasts of having studied (one year), perhaps he did not understand the motto: VERITAS. Dear Gennari! It means "truth". I have tried to communicate with her several times in the hospital for a postoperative problem that EXISTS! The "there is nothing" version in via Wagner style doesn't work. For me the only aspect of the Breast Unit that didn't work is her. And considering that the first time I was operated on she wasn't there and everything went smoothly, it seems easy to me to draw conclusions.
Agnese Mainardi on Google

SERVIZIO OSPEDALIERO TERRIBILE. Se ci fosse la possibilità avrei dato "zero stelle". Causa Covid, ovviamente, non posso andare direttamente a parlare con il Dottore che ha preso in cura mia suocera; quindi l'unica chance di sapere nei dettagli cosa la aspetta (per quanto riguarda la sua operazione e post-ricovero) é chiamare. Chiamo in ordine: la segreteria, le infermiere, la stanza dei medici. Tutti assenti. Le possibilità di parlare con un Dottore o con il Primario sono meno di zero. Provo ininterrottamente da stamattina alle 9:00. Non mi rimane che provare con un piccione viaggiatore. Sinceramente disgustata dall'organizzazione di questo posto.
TERRIBLE HOSPITAL SERVICE. If there was the possibility I would have given "zero stars". Because of Covid, of course, I can't go directly to speak with the Doctor who took care of my mother-in-law; so the only chance to know in detail what awaits you (regarding your operation and post-hospitalization) is to call. I call in order: the secretariat, the nurses, the doctors' room. All absent. The chances of speaking to a Doctor or Primary are less than zero. I have been rehearsing non-stop from this morning to 9:00. I just have to try a carrier pigeon. Honestly disgusted with the organization of this place.
Christelle Troost on Google

I was on holiday in Cefalu during the first week of June and in order to fly back to my home country I required a negative PCR test result. It was an extremely disappointing experience and ultimately a failure: 1. it was extremely complicated to obtain the test, 2. I was treated extremely poorly at the hospital and 3. I NEVER received my test results. To start, it was near impossible to find any information online about COVID testing (especially in English) but I finally managed to find out that the only place to carry out PCR tests in Cefalu was at this hospital. An appointment was made via Whatsapp (they only take appointments Monday through Friday between 11am and 1pm - important to note in case you have a 48h or 72h testing window before your flight). I was told I could strictly only come by car as it was a drive through testing center, but once I was there there were several people on foot. The nurse did not speak English, but through some translation with the taxi driver, I gathered that I had to register at the hospital after he had taken my test. It was a labyrinth to find the reception at the lab where I had to register and the practitioner was very aggressive, rude and condescending when gathering my personal information. I was given little to no instructions on how to ultimately receive my test results, but after some time I gathered that I would receive my results by email between 11am and 1pm the next day. However, I NEVER received my results. I called the hospital MULTIPLE times at multiple different phone numbers with NO reply. The email address provided for assistance did not work/was non-existent. Ultimately, resorted to going to the hospital to the COVID lab in person, which was CLOSED. Truly scandalous. I thus never received my test results.

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