Il Ferro Battuto Di Martelli Lorenzo

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Il Ferro Battuto Di Martelli Lorenzo

Address :

Via Fernando Rapezzi, 21, 59100 Prato PO, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Saturday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Categories :
City : Prato

Via Fernando Rapezzi, 21, 59100 Prato PO, Italy
Rosanna Zorzon on Google

Ho ordinato recentemente un corrimano in ferro battuto . Sono rimasta molto soddisfatta sia dalla disponibilità, dalla celerità della consegna (tenuto conto che avevo ordinato una misura al di fuori dello standard) che dalla buona qualità del prodotto. Consiglio vivamente la ditta di Martelli Lorenzo per le vostre necessità.
I recently ordered a wrought iron handrail. I was very satisfied with both the availability, the speed of delivery (considering that I had ordered a measure outside the standard) and the good quality of the product. I highly recommend the firm of Martelli Lorenzo for your needs.
Manuel Laurent on Google

Deuxième commande pour ma part, avec une énorme satisfaction. Je collectionne les épées de cinéma, dessins animés, jeux vidéo, et parfois l'objet est introuvable, jusqu'à ce qu'un artisan génial y remédie! ? Réalisation impeccable, beau travail, lourd et solide, j'ai hâte de découvrir d'autres articles ici! ?
Second order for me, with enormous satisfaction. I collect swords from movies, cartoons, video games, and sometimes the object cannot be found, until a brilliant craftsman fixes it! ? Impeccable workmanship, great workmanship, heavy and solid, I can't wait to discover more articles here! ?
Marina Marani on Google

Conosciuto tramite Amazon ma contattato tramite sito ufficiale per una cornice su misura per uno specchio. I contatti sono avvenuti tramite email, risponde in poco tempo. Gentilezza e cortesia nel rispondere a qualsiasi dubbio. E per la spedizione mai visto imballaggio più accurato. Si vede la passione e la cura del dettaglio. E l'attenzione al cliente: la cornice è esattamente come desideravo. Non proprio economico ma prezzi giusti e di sicuro ne vale la pena!
Known via Amazon but contacted via the official website for a custom frame for a mirror. The contacts were made by email, he replied quickly. Kindness and courtesy in answering any doubts. And for the shipping ever seen more accurate packaging. You can see the passion and attention to detail. And customer care: the frame is exactly how I wanted it. Not exactly cheap but fair prices and certainly worth it!
Massimiliano Corsi on Google

Devo sinceramente confermare la stima e la professionalità dimostrata, lavorazioni perfette e il montaggio a regola d'arte, vi consiglio di osservare la mostra interna, troverete sicuramente qualcosa di cui non potrete fare a meno. Penso non possa esistere un prezzo o si possa dare un valore per quanto riguarda il realizzare un oggetto direttamente a mano, basta soffermarsi sul fatto che materiale arriva grezzo e tramite la loro professionalità prende forma. Quando vi sarà possibile passate a osservare le loro lavorazioni
I must sincerely confirm the esteem and professionalism shown, perfect workmanship and perfect assembly, I recommend you to observe the internal exhibition, you will surely find something you cannot do without. I think there cannot be a price or a value can be given with regards to making an object directly by hand, just dwell on the fact that the material arrives raw and takes shape through their professionalism. When you can, go and observe their work
Alessandro on Google

Ho avuto occasione di comprare da loro una spada e di farmela spedire a centinaia di chilometri. ho apprezzato tantissimo il rapporto qualità prezzo dell'oggetto da me acquistato la fattura era assolutamente di pregio non da meno la custodia e ho notato molta attenzione nel impacchettamento per evitare che ci fossero rotture Grazie ancora tornerò ad acquistare presto.
I had the opportunity to buy a sword from them and have it shipped hundreds of kilometers away. I really appreciated the value for money of the object I purchased the invoice was absolutely valuable not least the case and I noticed a lot of attention in the packaging to avoid breakage Thanks again I will be back to buy soon.
Flavio Odorico on Google

Prodotti artigianali bellissimi e servizio eccellente! Soddisfattissimo!
Beautiful handcrafted products and excellent service! Very satisfied!
Vitaliy Podolskiy on Google

Lorenzo is not an craftman - he is an artist! I cannot express how he changed the way my house looks outside and feels inside! II was afraid that iron permanent wrought iron railings will reduce light and space but the result was opposite. The design and work quality were perfect, but there is more. Lorenzo has a great pride and passion and you can feel it in his cold iron creations. The famous Toscani wrought iron craft well alive and continues to survive in XXI century!
Thirza Sayers on Google

What can I say about Lorenzo? So responsive, helpful, talented! Not only did I nearly immediately have responses to all my MANY questions, he gave me a very fair price for superior work. I've received so many compliments already. If you are not in Italy and worried about doing work with him, do not fear! He is for real. He made a railing, a gate to match (which is also amazing, but I have not yet installed it), and a sweet sign for my dog (an outline of a poodle that says "Casa di Francesco"!!!!) I LOVE them! I would totally invite Lorenzo to be my friend if I lived in Italy.

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