Hospital Carlo Poma

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital Carlo Poma

Address :

Str. Lago Paiolo, 10, 46100 Mantova MN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
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Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Mantova

Str. Lago Paiolo, 10, 46100 Mantova MN, Italy
Angela Bocchi on Google

Pronto soccorso Carlo Poma ospedale di Mantova - triage dalle 18.45 alle 00:59 del 26 marzo per trauma arto superiore sinistro gia' invalidato per paresi ostetrica, visita superficiale a vista lasciata alle indicazioni del medico curante. Il medico e le infermiere continuavano a lamentarsi della carenza di lamentela non mi pare sia il miglior modo di rispondere alle esigenze di chi arriva al pronto soccorso senza ausilio dell'amulanza. Questa e' la sanita' di REGIONE LOMBARDIA!!!!
First aid Carlo Poma hospital of Mantua - triage from 18.45 to 00:59 on 26 March due to trauma of the left upper limb already invalidated due to obstetric paresis, superficial visit to sight left to the indications of the attending physician. The doctor and the nurses continued to complain about the lack of staff ....... the complaint does not seem to me to be the best way to respond to the needs of those who arrive in the emergency room without the aid of an amulance. This is the health of the LOMBARDY REGION !!!!
luca bertellini on Google

Nonostante gli sforzi profusi dallo scarso personale, il pronto soccorso è in pantano dal quale non si esce. Passino i tempi biblici per una visita, ma dovere attendere 20-30 minuti, come successo anche stavolta, per avere un triage, è inammissibile. Come fanno a valutare eventuali codici rossi se i pazienti (e mai nome fu più appropriato) sono lasciati abbandonati con nessuno, ripeto nessuno allo sportello? Noi stasera dopo 25 minuti di inutile attesa siamo fuggiti verso ospedale di borgo mantovano dove siamo stati presi in carico non appena arrivati.
Despite the efforts made by the scarce staff, the emergency room is in a quagmire from which there is no way out. Biblical times pass for a visit, but having to wait 20-30 minutes, as happened once again, to have a triage, is inadmissible. How do they evaluate any red codes if the patients (and the name was never more appropriate) are left abandoned with no one, I repeat no one at the counter? We tonight after 25 minutes of useless waiting we fled to the hospital in the Mantuan village where we were taken in charge as soon as we arrived.
Pietrangelo Barrasso on Google

Arrivato in ambulanza il 31/03/22 al pomeriggio per " dolore toracico" atipico irradiato ad entrambi gli arti superiori... Venni accolto da una infermiera che parlando con la dottoressa del 118 disse: "si fanno scorazzare con l'ambulanza per farsi le analisi gratis". Dimesso la mattina dopo ore08,00 "paziente completamente asintomatico durante la sua permanenza al pronto soccorso". Sabato 16/04/22 mi presento al Pronto soccorso, deciso e un po' arrabbiato, chiamano il cardiologo e mi ricoverano. Domenica 1704 ho avuto un infarto.
Arrived by ambulance on 03/31/22 in the afternoon for atypical "chest pain" radiating to both upper limbs ... I was greeted by a nurse who, speaking with the 118 doctor, said: "they run around with the ambulance to get the analyzes for free ". Discharged the morning after 08.00 "patient completely asymptomatic during his stay in the emergency room". Saturday 16/04/22 I go to the emergency room, determined and a little angry, they call the cardiologist and they hospitalize me. On Sunday 1704 I had a heart attack.
Emanuela Rachele Berta on Google

Mio figlio, diciassettenne , è stato ricoverato in pediatria per un problema complesso e molto serio. Ne esce sulle sue gambe e con un bel sorriso sul viso. Merito delle cure, della deduzione, della capacità di confrontarsi tra diversi reparti ma soprattutto la cura più importante è stato l'affetto, la comprensione, la fortissima empatia che tutto il personale di pediatria dalla dottoressa Fasoli per arrivare alla OS Elena ha riservato per noi. Ma un grande grazie anche ai neurologi che con il loro fare burbero nascondevano una grande umanità e passione e alla superfisioterapista Orietta che quando entrava in camera faceva entrare il sole Ci siamo sentiti accolti e curati...nel senso che si sono presi cura di noi nel modo più bello. Non vi dimenticheremo.
My seventeen-year-old son was hospitalized in pediatrics for a complex and very serious problem. He comes out on his legs and with a nice smile on his face. Merit of the care, the deduction, the ability to confront between different departments but above all the most important care was the affection, the understanding, the strong empathy that all the pediatric staff from Dr. Fasoli to get to the OS Elena reserved for us . But a big thank you also to the neurologists who hid a great humanity and passion with their gruff behavior and to the superphysiotherapist Orietta who let the sun in when she entered the room We felt welcomed and looked after ... in the sense that they took care of us in the most beautiful way. We will not forget you.
Gino Donati on Google

Sono andato al Pronto Soccorso in data 30 Aprile verso le 14,00 per difficoltà respiratorie e forte battito cardiaco irregolare. Mi hanno subito visitato diagnosticandomi una Fibrilazione Atriale; devo dire che fino alle 18, orario di dimissioni, sono stato curato con grandissima professionalità, grande premura e umanità. Un grazie alla Dottoressa Bonazzi Stefania per la sua professionalità, competenza e attenzione e anche alla infermiera (non ricordo il nome....ricciolina capelli raccolti occhi chiari) la quale è stata sempre attenta verso i miei confronti; ha dimostrato grande professionalita, umanità e sempre disponibile verso i pazienti. Complimenti veramente ad entrambe. Grazie.
I went to the emergency room on April 30 at around 2 pm due to breathing difficulties and a strong irregular heartbeat. They immediately examined me and diagnosed me with Atrial Fibrilation; I must say that until 6pm, discharge time, I was treated with great professionalism, great care and humanity. Thanks to Doctor Bonazzi Stefania for her professionalism, competence and attention and also to the nurse (I don't remember the name .... curly hair, light eyes) who was always attentive to me; has shown great professionalism, humanity and always available to patients. Truly congratulations to both of you. Thanks.
Osaretin Sunnest on Google

Karl Reiff on Google

My father in law went into this hospital at 1300 because he had a stomach problem and has had a fever on and off for 2 weeks. They took a blood exam at 1330. He then sat down for 7 hours with no response. He told them he was diabetic and had to do insulin shots and eat. They did not care at all. So, we left and they asked why are we leaving? We told them and they did not understand. These people in this hospital need to pass there hand across there conscience and see what they have in there hand!!! Terrible people, animals would be treated better and faster than humans!!! This by far the worst emergency room that is in Italy!!!
Aлла Антоненко on Google

horrible methods of anesthesia!!! the nurses cannot enter a child's vein!!! they made hand of my sone is blue!!! how is it possible in 21st century!!! never!!! never come here more!!!!!

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