Giro in gondola

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Contact Giro in gondola

Address :

Via Aldo Celli, 52, 47922 Rimini RN, Italy

Categories :
City : Rimini

Via Aldo Celli, 52, 47922 Rimini RN, Italy
V. Augusto Valentini on Google

Roberto Valente on Google

Ilenia Icolari on Google

Ne vale la pena. Bellissima esperienza
Marcello Santunione on Google

Peccato solo per le lunghe file, ma ne vale veramente la pena. Durante il giro vengono scattate alcune foto ai partecipanti che vengono poi proposte subito all'uscita. Il costo delle foto è di euro 6,80 per una oppure 11,90 per 2 foto (diverse, non si possono chiedere 2 copie della stessa foto a 11,80).
Too bad only for the long lines, but it's really worth it. During the tour, some photos are taken of the participants which are then proposed immediately at the exit. The cost of the photos is € 6.80 for one or 11.90 for 2 photos (different, you cannot ask for 2 copies of the same photo for 11.80).
Андрей Владимиров on Google

Это тоже часть большого парка "Италия в миниатюре". Прогулка по "Большому каналу" посреди масштабных декораций Венеции с выходом на площадь Сан Марко. По пути вас сфотографируют, по окончании предложат фотографии. Географически известные здания Венеции расположены не всегда верно, но и цели такой не было и так даже интереснее. Прокатитесь! Ребёнок захочет ещё)
This is also a part of the large "Italy in Miniature" park. Walk along the Grand Canal in the midst of the large-scale scenery of Venice with access to St. Mark's Square. On the way, you will be photographed, at the end you will be offered photos. The geographically famous buildings of Venice are not always located correctly, but there was no such goal and so it is even more interesting. Take a ride! The child will want more)

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