Gdm Distribuzione S.r.l.

3/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Gdm Distribuzione S.r.l.

Address :

Via G. Carducci, 7, 06061 Castiglione del Lago PG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97877
Postal code : 06061
Categories :
City : Castiglione Del Lago

Via G. Carducci, 7, 06061 Castiglione del Lago PG, Italy
enrico perani on Google

Ottimo servizio
Excellent service
tiziana rocchi on Google

Ottimo centro assistenza!!
Great help center !!
G B on Google

Ich habe im Ebay-Shop (soluzione.facile2) ein Handy-Display gekauft. Der Einbau erfolgte durch einen Elektronik-Fachmann. Beim Einschalten das Displays wies dieses schwarze Streifen auf und die Anzeige war stark verzerrt. Ich habe daraufhin Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer aufgenommen und es begann ein sehr langer, unfreundlicher und verständnisloser Austausch von Seiten des Verkäufers. Ich konnte den Fehler mit Bildern belegen und dennoch war der Verkäufer der Ansicht keine mangelhafte Ware geliefert zu haben. Man kann von Glück reden, dass der Paypal-Käuferschutz den Fall richtig gewertet hat und der Verkäufer mir den Kaufpreis zurückerstatten musste! Die Kosten für den Rückversand des defekten Displays musste ich auch noch selbst tragen, da keinerlei Kulanz des Verkäufers gegeben war. Gesamt betrachtet war dieser Kauf, der Kundenservice und die langwierige Diskussion eine Katastrophe! Der Service ist quasi nicht existent und auch der Tonfall wie man als Kunde behandelt wird lässt zu wünschen übrig. Ich kann diese Firma absolut NICHT empfehlen! Jemand sollte Ihrer Angestellten "Tiziana" deutlich machen, dass sie mit so einem Verhalten nicht sehr weit kommen wird!
I bought a cell phone display in the Ebay shop (soluzione.facile2). The installation was carried out by an electronics specialist. When the display was switched on, this black stripe showed and the display was strongly distorted. I then got in touch with the seller and a very long, unfriendly and uncomprehending exchange began on the part of the seller. I was able to substantiate the error with pictures, and yet the seller was of the opinion that no defective goods had been delivered. It is lucky that PayPal Buyer Protection rated the case correctly and the seller had to refund the purchase price! I also had to bear the cost of returning the defective display myself, as there was no goodwill from the seller. Taken as a whole, this purchase, customer service and the lengthy discussion was a disaster! The service is practically non-existent and the tone in which you are treated as a customer leaves something to be desired. I absolutely cannot recommend this company! Someone should make it clear to your employee "Tiziana" that she won't get very far with such behavior!
Alberto Gulisano on Google

Ho comprato un Iphone 7 venduto come nuovo nel negozio Ebay (soluzione.facile2). Mi è arrivato (nel 2020) un telefono ricondizionato del 2017 con scocca e display non originale e componenti male assemblati. Dopo meno di un mese ha pure smesso di funzionare correttamente. Mi sono quindi messo in contatto con il venditore, che dopo risposte vaghe e generiche, ha chiuso la controversia senza dare neppure diritto di replica, ritenendo l’inesistenza della garanzia e proponendo l’avvio di un iter di riparazione a pagamento, presso questo centro assistenza. Nessuno sforzo per capire le esigenze del cliente, nonostante i vizi e difetti del prodotto fossero più che dimostrati. Riproposta la questione al servizio Protezione acquirenti PayPal, quest’ultimo ha fortunatamente valutato positivamente le richieste del sottoscritto ed il venditore ha dovuto rimborsare il prezzo di acquisto! Nel complesso, per questo acquisto, il servizio clienti e la lunga discussione sono stati un disastro! Il servizio è praticamente inesistente e le uniche risposte sono finalizzate ad aggirare il problema, senza risolverlo. Non posso assolutamente raccomandare questa azienda! Il comportamento della sig.ra Tiziana, che è l’unica che appare, è a dir poco irritante e le auguro vivamente di raccogliere presto i frutti di quel che semina…!
I bought an Iphone 7 sold as new in the Ebay store (easy solution2). I received (in 2020) a refurbished phone from 2017 with non-original body and display and poorly assembled components. After less than a month it also stopped working properly. I then contacted the seller, who after vague and generic answers, closed the dispute without even giving the right to reply, deeming the non-existence of the guarantee and proposing the start of a paid repair procedure at this center. assistance. No effort to understand the customer's needs, despite the flaws and defects of the product were more than proven. Having re-submitted the matter to the PayPal Buyer Protection service, the latter fortunately assessed the undersigned's requests positively and the seller had to refund the purchase price! Overall, for this purchase, the customer service and long discussion was a disaster! The service is practically non-existent and the only answers are aimed at getting around the problem, without solving it. I absolutely cannot recommend this company! The behavior of Ms Tiziana, who is the only one who appears, is nothing short of irritating and I sincerely hope that she will soon reap the fruits of what she sows ...!

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