Flair Cafe'

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Flair Cafe'

Address :

Piazza della Libertà, 15, 47043 Gatteo a Mare FC, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978789
Postal code : 47043
Categories :
City : Gatteo A Mare

Piazza della Libertà, 15, 47043 Gatteo a Mare FC, Italy
Alessio Taddei on Google

Ottimo bar a Gatteo, personale gentile. Molto buono il gelato.
Great bar in Gatteo, nice staff. Very good ice cream.
Claudio Villa on Google

Buon bar servizio veloce ai tavoli e personale esterno cordiale.
Good bar fast table service and friendly outside staff.
Gianluca Cervone on Google

Cameriera scortese, non saluta neppure i clienti... Ti porta le cose al tavolino e dopo essere stata ringraziata, non ti risponde neppure.... Trattare coi clienti è altra cosa... Se non li sopporta forse é meglio cambiare mestiere.... Al proprietario dico:forse meglio cambiare personale.
Rude waitress, she doesn't even say goodbye to customers ... She takes things to you at the table and after having been thanked, she doesn't even respond to you .... Dealing with customers is something else ... If you can't stand them, maybe it's better to change jobs. ... I say to the owner: perhaps it is better to change personnel.
Sergio Giacchetto on Google

E' situato nella piazza maggior frequentata di Gatteo mare, un bar, tabacchi con annesso una gelateria. Ha molti tavolini all'esterno che durante il periodo estivo godono degli spettacoli svolti nella piazza. Il servizio e' buono come i prezzi delle consumazioni.
E 'located in Piazza Maggiore frequented Gatteo sea, a bar, tobacco shop with attached ice cream parlor. It has many tables outside that during the summer enjoy the shows held in the square. The service is as good as the prices of drinks.
Silvia Huppertz on Google

Lecker Frühstück bis auf den Kakao für meine Tochter. Hier bekommt man auch die Bus- und Zugtickets. Immer freundlich
Delicious breakfast except for the cocoa for my daughter. Here you can also get the bus and train tickets. Always friendly
Carmen Galanti on Google

Abbiamo aspettato 1 ora(pur essendoci poca gente) per 2 mojito e 1 tisana che alla fine era te caldo. In più non solo abbiamo aspettato tanto tempo ma i cocktail facevano pure schifo, per me non vale neanche la stella obbligatoria!! Per il bene dei clienti cambiate barman!! Lo dice una del mestiere ?
We waited 1 hour (even though there were few people) for 2 mojitos and 1 herbal tea which in the end was hot tea. In addition, not only did we wait a long time but the cocktails also sucked, for me it is not even worth the obligatory star !! For the sake of the customers change the barman !! One of the trade says so ?
Timo Scheuerling on Google

Best ever
Krzysztof Bober on Google

Sometimes I'm spending the time with my friends. Sometimes coffee, sometimes spritz. Nice staff

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