Farmacia Venturi Dott. Francesco

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacia Venturi Dott. Francesco

Address :

Piazza John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 21/23, 50051 Castelfiorentino FI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977
Postal code : 50051
Website :
Categories :
City : Castelfiorentino

Piazza John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 21/23, 50051 Castelfiorentino FI, Italy
Patrizia Galasso on Google

laura guzzinati on Google

Personale sempre disponibile
Staff always available
barbara masi on Google

Gentilezza e disponibilità!!!!auguri a tutto il personale!!!!
Kindness and availability !!!! best wishes to all the staff !!!!
Ivano Mainardi on Google

Perché c'è professionalità gentilezza e disponibilità. Complimenti
Because there is professionalism, kindness and availability. Congratulations
Francesco Venturi on Google

Troverai disponibilità e serietà per comprendere a pieno ogni tua preoccupazione, professionalità e comprensione per ogni tua esigenza e per risolvere ogni tuo problema di salute. Il tutto grazie ai farmaci, ai presidi, ai medicamenti e ai parafarmaci tradizionali, ma anche grazie all'aiuto della FITOTERAPIA e dell''OMEOPATIA. Troverai un reparto destinato alla VETERINARIA ed uno destinato alla CELIACHIA. Disponibile anche un LABORATORIO GALENICO per preparare capsule, soluzioni, creme, unguenti con un dosaggio che non si trova in commercio, ma che saremo lieti di fare su misura. Scoprirai le migliori linee di COSMETICA presenti in farmacia e sarai guidata/o con esperienza e savoire faire ad una scelta ottimale e mirata per prenderti cura al meglio del tuo corpo e della tua bellezza.
You will find availability and reliability to fully understand your every concern, professionalism and understanding for all your needs and to solve all your health problems. All thanks to the drugs, the aids, the medicines and the traditional parapharmaceuticals, but also thanks to the help of PHYTOTHERAPY and HOMEOPATHY. You will find a unit for the VETERINARY and one for the CELIAC DISEASE. A GALENIC LABORATORY is also available to prepare capsules, solutions, creams, ointments with a dosage that is not available on the market, but which we will be happy to make to measure. You will discover the best lines of COSMETICS present in the pharmacy and you will be guided or experienced and savvy to make an optimal and targeted choice to take care of your body and your beauty at best.
Laura Piazza on Google

Complimenti per la gentilezza e disponibilità che avete. È da anni che mi servo da voi rimarrà la mia farmacia preferita sempre e comunque. Entro sempre con il mio cane a cui è consentito l accesso. Grazie e buon lavoro. Laura
Congratulations on your kindness and availability. I have been using you for years will remain my favorite pharmacy anyway. I always go with my dog ​​who is allowed access. Thanks and good job. Laura
alberto palermo on Google

Mi trovo molto bene con loro è sotto casa mia mi servo da loro da oltre 20 anni
I am very happy with them and in my home I have been serving them for over 20 years
Sam de Mel on Google

As someone who has recently moved to Italy, has chronic pain and more than ten medications that are not always available in Italy, plus I don’t yet speak italiano, this is the best farmacia with the best customer service that I have ever experienced in any country. They don’t just do their jobs, they go beyond what is required and really want to help you, especially Dott Alessio who is just the most kind, nice and helpful person (as well as speaking perfect English). The others provide consistently good service. Given my health I first went to any farmacia in Castelfiorentino or Certaldo and quickly learned only to go to Farmacia Venturi and that sometimes you have to wait longer there for a reason - the local people know which is the best farmacia where the staff will take however long is required to help you. I feel treated with empathy and patience, and feel like a person, not just another number. Best farmacia ever, bravo Dott Francesco for hiring such wonderful staff as well as giving great service yourself e grazie mille to Dott Alessio and all the other lovely staff who have been of great help to me. As you can see I cannot recommend this farmacia highly enough (I think this is my longest review!), whether you’re Italian, a tourist, or have moved here like me.

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