Farmacia S. Anna di Ferrua Dr. Rosita

5/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Farmacia S. Anna di Ferrua Dr. Rosita

Address :

3, Via Borgonuovo, 15, 12060 Monchiero CN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9779
Postal code : 12060
Website :
Categories :
City : Monchiero

3, Via Borgonuovo, 15, 12060 Monchiero CN, Italy
Cristina Mattalia on Google

nicolò dogliani on Google

Max Flo on Google

In questa farmacia regnano la professionalità, la gentilezza, ordine e tanta simpatia abbinata alla bellezza della titolare e di tutti i suoi collaboratori. Consigliatissima.
In this pharmacy, professionalism, kindness, order and a lot of sympathy reign, combined with the beauty of the owner and all her collaborators. Highly recommended.

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