Farmacia Morelli Di Lullo

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacia Morelli Di Lullo

Address :

Via Domenico Morelli, 22, 80121 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +987977
Website :
Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Domenico Morelli, 22, 80121 Napoli NA, Italy
pietro di bianco bassbaritone on Google

È una grossa fregatura perché non fa 24/24.chiude alle 22. Quindi aggiornate le informazioni per cortesia. Grazie
It's a big rip off because it doesn't do 24/24. It closes at 10pm. So please update the information. Thanks
Mina la titin on Google

Non viene misurata la temperatura e tantomeno si trova un gel per igienizzarsi le mani, di questi tempi e soprattutto in un luogo del genere penso che siano delle gravi mancanze! Per il resto il dottore e le dottoresse sono sempre molto cordiali e disponibili.
The temperature is not measured and much less is a gel to sanitize your hands, these days and especially in such a place I think they are serious shortcomings! For the rest, the doctor and the doctors are always very friendly and helpful.
V.G on Google

Achtung Touristen Abzocke!!!! Verlangen 22 Euro für einen Covid 19 Test der lediglich ein Schnelltest ist, kein Antigentest!!! Lt. Einer anderen Apotheken darf der Antigentest Test nur max. 15 Euro kosten! Wir haben im vorhinein gemeint, dass wir den Test für unseren Rückflug brauchen. Haben kein gültiges Formular erhalten!! Sie sagte sie schickt uns irgendeine Nummer per Email mit der wir das gültige EU Formular dann selber runter laden können. Diese Nummer kam auch nie an!!
Attention tourist rip-off !!!! Demand 22 euros for a Covid 19 test which is only a rapid test, not an antigen test !!! Lt. The antigen test test may only cost a maximum of 15 euros to another pharmacy! We said in advance that we would need the test for our return flight. Did not receive a valid form !! She said she would send us some number by email with which we could then download the valid EU form ourselves. This number was never received either !!
Rosario Ortiz on Google

Fueron muy agradables, nos cobraron 15€ por el test de antígenos, en otros sitios nos han llegado a cobrar hasta 22. Lo hicieron rápido y nos mandaron los resultados al momento por e mail. Me atendió una chica muy simpática. Es en la única farmacia donde no me he sentido timada.
They were very nice, they charged us € 15 for the antigen test, in other places they have charged us up to 22. They did it quickly and they sent us the results instantly by e-mail. I was attended by a very nice girl. It is in the only pharmacy where I have not felt ripped off.
Nik on Google

Farmacia nei pressi di piazza dei Martiri nell'omonima via che le da il nome. Un unico ingresso a vetrina che da accesso al bancone su due file. Ben fornita e con personale molto gentile e professionale disponibile al consiglio per ogni esigenza.
Pharmacy near Piazza dei Martiri in the homonymous street that gives it its name. A single windowed entrance that gives access to the counter on two rows. Well supplied and with very kind and professional staff available to advise for every need.
Luisa Di simone on Google

farmacia con personale molto cortese e competente, non solo perche ci lavoro ,ma perchè ogni difficoltà che affrontiamo quotidianamente con ciascun cliente diventa un nostro problema da risolvere. non siamo i migliori, ma cerchiamo di accontentare il piu possibile la clientela offrendo anche il servizio vaccinazioni che non è da tutte le farmacie.questo mi dispiace che non venga sottolineato e soprattutto lo effettuiamo in tutte le nostre sedi(corso vittorio emanule 437,via genova 27, via gulielmo marconi 92)
pharmacy with very courteous and competent staff, not only because I work there, but because every difficulty we face daily with each customer becomes our problem to be solved. we are not the best, but we try to please our customers as much as possible by offering the vaccination service that is not available in all pharmacies. genoa 27, via gulielmo marconi 92)
darko francis on Google

A S on Google

Not open 24 hours!! Had us walk all the way over to the pharmacy just to find that out. Update your info

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