Farmacia Cecchini Dott.ssa Cristina

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacia Cecchini Dott.ssa Cristina

Address :

Via Madonna dello Schioppo, 38, 47521 Cesena FC, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 47023
Website :
Categories :
City : Cesena

Via Madonna dello Schioppo, 38, 47521 Cesena FC, Italy
Paolo Pistocchi on Google

Cordiali e ben fornita
Friendly and well stocked
Cristina Brigliadori on Google

Efficienza e cortesia. La mia farmacia preferita.
Efficiency and courtesy. My favorite pharmacy.
Il Pacchia Pacchierini on Google

Ottima farmacia. Niente male anche le farmaciste. Sotto quelle mascherine ci devono essere dei gran bei sorrisi.
Great pharmacy. Not bad also the pharmacists. Under those masks there must be some great beautiful smiles.

Molto gentili, al servizio del cliente e professionali.
Very kind, customer service and professional.
Antonella Mercadini on Google

Grande disponibilità e cortesia Veramente ottime tutte le dottoresse
Great availability and courtesy Really excellent all the doctors
Georges El Helou on Google

Personale disponibile e professionale.
Helpful and professional staff.
Αλεξανδρος Τζαλαμουρας on Google

Ο καλύτερος φαρμακοποιός της Ανκόνα και κάνει και διάκοπες στην Κέρκυρα κάθε καλοκαίρι!!! Άψογος στην δουλειά του ευχάριστο περιβάλλον και γρήγορη εξυπηρέτηση!!!!
The best pharmacist of Ancona and he also goes on vacation in Corfu every summer !!! Flawless in his work pleasant environment and fast service !!!!
Filippo Baiardi on Google

Personale sempre molto gentile e disponibile nonostante la grande affluenza di clienti.
Staff always very polite and helpful despite the large number of customers.

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