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City : Milano

Antonio Vergallo on Google

Stazione sotterranea di transito della Mm2 (Linea Verde) della metropolitana milanese. All'interno bar, edicola, vari negozi, distributori automatici di biglietti e abbonamenti, e un apparecchio automatico per foto istantanee. All'esterno un grande parcheggio di sosta per autobus urbani e interurbani e un parcheggio per le autovetture private. Stazione molto servita ma poco sorvegliata e un po' sporca.
Underground transit station of the Mm2 (Green Line) of the Milanese underground. Inside, there is a bar, a newsstand, various shops, ticket and season ticket machines, and an automatic device for instant photos. Outside there is a large parking lot for urban and interurban buses and a parking lot for private cars. Station well served but not very supervised and a little dirty.
吴哲宇 on Google

Ho perso la mia borsa. C'è un portafoglio e un mazzo di chiavi. Se lo vedi, fammi sapere. Grazie
I've lost my purse. There is a wallet and a set of keys. If you see it, let me know. Thanks
Carlo Sanson on Google

Fermata pulita, ovviamente con biglietterie automatiche. Nodo cruciale perché è sul bivio della M2 da dove i treni possono andare verso Assago Milanofiori Forum o verso Piazza Abbiategrasso-Chiesa Rossa. Non vicinissima all’ospedale San Paolo, raggiungibile comunque a piedi in 10/15 minuti
Clean stop, obviously with automatic ticket machines. Crucial knot because it is on the junction of the M2 from where trains can go to Assago Milanofiori Forum or to Piazza Abbiategrasso-Chiesa Rossa. Not very close to the San Paolo hospital, which can still be reached on foot in 10/15 minutes
Luca G76 on Google

Fermata della metropolitana di Milano, linea 2, la verde. Aperta a metà anni '90 come nuovo capolinea (dopo il precedente Romolo) presenta una banchina a isola molto pratica che la contraddistingue strutturalmente dal resto del tronco sud della linea. Al piano mezzanino offre alcuni servizi, quali edicola con rivendita biglietti, autogrill e negozi. Da qui arrivano e partono i bus extra urbani per la provincia sud. Infine offre un collegamento diretto con il parcheggio multipiano ATM che sorge affianco. Dopo il 2000 la linea è stata prolungata verso piazza Abbiategrasso e, successivamente, con una ulteriore biforcazione, verso Assago dal 2011 con, quindi, una struttura a X.
Milan metro stop, line 2, the green one. Opened in the mid-90s as a new terminus (after the previous Romulus) it has a very practical island quay that structurally distinguishes it from the rest of the southern section of the line. On the mezzanine floor it offers some services, such as newsagents with ticket sales, motorway restaurants and shops. From here the extra-urban buses for the southern province arrive and depart. Finally, it offers a direct connection with the ATM multi-storey car park next door. After 2000 the line was extended towards piazza Abbiategrasso and, subsequently, with a further bifurcation, towards Assago from 2011 with, therefore, an X-shaped structure.
shokry zalat on Google

Suz Sims-Fletcher on Google

a subway. when you come out, figure out which way you are going. not CLEAN but not dirty...you know?
Alessio Ganci on Google

Subway in the M2 line, a big parking lot in which you can park your car for a very little fee. Finally, a station for buses, good for people who live outside Milan and needs to come from/to home, in addition to trains. Service is good and delays are really rare.
LouannaNEGUT Gmail on Google

Big Metro M2 station ; clean - ish toilets grade A+ that there are open and one could use them ! Some beggars, some tote bags sellers, all and all one cosmopolitan place where connecting buses are on time !

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