Facile Ristrutturare Verona

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Facile Ristrutturare Verona

Address :

C.so Milano, 11, 37138 Verona VR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9889
Website : https://www.facileristrutturare.it/sedi/verona/
Categories :
City : Verona

C.so Milano, 11, 37138 Verona VR, Italy
Daniele Mirandola on Google

Do una stella perché purtroppo non posso dare meno. Mi sono premurato di chiamare giovedi 18/2 per programmare un appuntamento vista la situazione covid. Appuntamento fissato per sabato 20/2 alle ore 11.15. Premesso che lo studio, da quanto riporta il sito, dovrebbe essere aperto dalle 9 alle 13 il sabato, alle 11 non vi erano segni di vita. Abbiamo aspettato una mezz'ora abbondante chiamando inutilmente per 4 volte l'unico numero riportato in internet e visto che non avevamo nulla da fare, abbiamo provato anche il numero verde, anche questa volta senza ricevere alcuna risposta. Ovviamente su questa agenzia e sui suoi servizi tireremo un velo pietoso, l'unico rammarico rimane aver buttato mezza giornata che poteva essere impiegata per parlare con dei veri professionisti con cui saremmo stati felici di collaborare.
I give a star because unfortunately I can't give less. I took care to call Thursday 18/2 to schedule an appointment given the covid situation. Appointment set for Saturday 20/2 at 11.15. Given that the studio, according to the website, should be open from 9 to 13 on Saturdays, at 11 there were no signs of life. We waited a good half hour by calling the only number listed on the internet 4 times in vain and since we had nothing to do, we also tried the toll-free number, again without receiving any response. Obviously we will draw a merciful veil on this agency and its services, the only regret remains having wasted half a day that could have been used to talk to real professionals with whom we would have been happy to collaborate.
Lica Tittel on Google

Abbiamo scelto facile ristrutturare per ristrutturare la nostra casa nuova e siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti del servizio. Non potevamo affidarci un architetto più professionale di Francesca Iasimone. Il pregio più grande di Francesca è che lavora con amore. È sempre stata molto precisa e presente, dedicandosi a tempo pieno alla nostra casa. è accaduto spesso che le scrivessimo anche alle 10 di sera per una curiosità o dubbio e lei si rendeva sempre disponibile. Ha buon gusto e ci ha dato dei consigli veramente importanti. Per i lavori ha inoltre scelto una squadra di professionisti di alta qualità. Grazie Facile per il bellissimo lavoro che avete fatto.
We chose easy to renovate to refurbish our new home and were delighted with the service. We couldn't rely on a more professional architect than Francesca Iasimone. Francesca's greatest value is that she works with love. She has always been very precise and present, dedicating herself full time to our home. it often happened that we also wrote to her at 10 in the evening for a curiosity or doubt and she was always available. He has good taste and has given us some really important advice. He also chose a team of high quality professionals for the work. Thanks Easy for the great job you have done.
Verona on Google

Stremati dalla gestione di un cantiere che attualmente presenta buoni lavori ma in alto mare e assistiti da un team che non conosce nemmeno dove stia di casa il rapporto col pubblico, la Professionalità con la lettera maiuscola e soprattutto l'interesse del cliente; provati da uno scarico di gestione delle responsabilità e della sovrintendenza a un cantiere che non è di nostra competenza, consigliamo caldamente di formare meglio e con la dovuta serietà i professionisti di cui tanto propagandate la preparazione. Dopo la seconda seria segnalazione al servizio clienti e intendendo comunque procedere per vie legali ci teniamo, infine, a segnalare per l'interesse di futuri clienti che siamo ancora oggetto di telefonate moleste da fantomatici numeri che premono per il cambio di gestore dell'energia elettrica. Vergognoso. Riportiamo uno dei numeri in oggetto +393505286829 Ci rivedremo in tribunale
Exhausted by the management of a construction site that currently has good jobs but on the high seas and assisted by a team that does not even know where the relationship with the public is at home, the Professionalism with a capital letter and above all the customer's interest; tested by a discharge of responsibility management and superintendence to a construction site that is not within our competence, we strongly recommend that you train better and with due seriousness the professionals whose preparation you advertise so much. After the second serious report to customer service and in any case intending to proceed by legal means, we would like to point out, finally, for the interest of future customers that we are still the subject of harassing phone calls from phantom numbers pressing for the change of electricity operator. . Shameful. We report one of the numbers in question +393505286829 We will meet again in court
Febe S on Google

Inaffidabili e non professionali. Dopo aver visto uno spot in tv in cui veniva dichiarato di poter usufruire di uno sconto in fattura del 50% per le ristrutturazioni, io e mio marito ci siamo recati (previo appuntamento) presso la sede di Verona il 5 gennaio scorso. La signora che ci ha accolti ci ha spiegato la formula di Facile Ristrutturare e ci ha più volte sottolineato che la promozione sarebbe scaduta il 31/01. Abbiamo compilato la scheda di richiesta di incontro con l'architetto (o chi per esso) nella quale abbiamo messo, come indicato, la tipologia di lavori che intendevamo effettuare e i nostri recapiti. Ci siamo lasciati con la promessa che nel giro di pochissimi giorni saremmo stati ricontattati. Non avendo ricevuto nessun segnale, il 16 gennaio ho ricontattato la sede e mi è stato assicurato che saremmo stati richiamati a brevissimo. Oggi è il 28 gennaio e, manco a dirlo, nessuno ha chiamato!!! Se non si riesce neppure a parlare con qualcuno per capire se ci sono le premesse per una collaborazione, figuriamoci che catastrofe può succedere se gli si affida la ristrutturazione di una casa!
Unreliable and unprofessional. After seeing a commercial on TV in which it was declared that we could take advantage of a 50% discount on the invoice for renovations, my husband and I went (by appointment) to the Verona office on January 5th. The lady who greeted us explained the Easy Restructuring formula to us and repeatedly stressed that the promotion would expire on 31/01. We have filled in the request form for a meeting with the architect (or whoever works for him) in which we have put, as indicated, the type of work we intended to carry out and our contact details. We parted with the promise that within a few days we would be contacted. Having received no signal, I contacted the office again on January 16 and was assured that we would be called back very soon. Today is January 28th and, needless to say, nobody called !!! If you can't even talk to someone to understand if there are the conditions for a collaboration, let alone what a catastrophe can happen if you entrust them with the renovation of a house!
filippo ramondelli on Google

Dal 15 gennaio sto ancora aspettando di essere richiamato per fissare un appuntamento. Ho richiamato per capire se c'era stato qualche problema con i miei dati, risultava tutto. Ma mai attivata la chiamata di un presunto architetto. Molto molto scettico se è possibile affidarsi a loro per una ristrutturazione se non riescono a gestire neppure un appartamento. Spero di essere smentito e magari contattato. Grazie
Since January 15th, I am still waiting to be called back to make an appointment. I called back to see if there was any problem with my data, it was all. But the call of an alleged architect was never activated. Very very skeptical if it is possible to rely on them for a renovation if they can't even manage an apartment. I hope to be proved wrong and maybe contacted. Thank you
Andrea Modonesi on Google

Ho fatto un preventivo on-line sul sito il 31 gennaio 2021 a seguito del quale mi hanno detto che sarei stato contattato da un architetto per un sopralluogo. Dopo dieci giorni senza notizie ho mandato una mail con una richiesta di contatto senza esito, dopo un'altra settimana ho contattato telefonicamente la filiale di Verona lasciando il mio numero per essere richiamato. Ad oggi 16 marzo 2021, l'unica chiamata che ho avuto è stata quella di un call center di facile ristrutturare che mi ha proposto di cambiare il fornitore di energia elettrica. Una vera delusione.
I made an online quote on the site on January 31, 2021 following which they told me that I would be contacted by an architect for an inspection. After ten days without news I sent an email with an unsuccessful contact request, after another week I contacted the Verona branch by phone, leaving my number to be called back. As of today, March 16, 2021, the only call I had was from an easy to renovate call center that offered me to change the electricity supplier. A real disappointment.
nilakshi Fernando on Google

Assolutamente INCOMPETENTI, DISORGANIZZATI, ESTREMAMENTE IN RITARDO SU TUTTO, NESSUNA ASSISTENZA, METODO DI LAVORO DEGLI OPERAI ASSOLUTAMENTE POCO PROFESSIONALE E SPORCO, IMBARAZZANTI NEL CONTINUO SCARICARE BARILE E RESPONSABILITA' tra vari personaggi coinvolti. Da marzo 2021 che abbiamo firmato...ad oggi non abbiamo concluso i lavori...forniture e manodopera in ritardo su tutto. Gli operai e le imprese coinvolte nella nostra ristrutturazione sono di una incompetenza imbarazzante. PREVENTIVI SBAGLIATI CON MISURAZIONI SBAGLIATE, che dopo 8 mesi ci hanno costretto a riordinare materiale, e quindi i lavori andranno avanti ancora. I lavori da terminare prima di Agosto...sono ora ancora in corso e siamo in alto mare visto che bisogna aspettare altre forniture dovute a errore di calcolo da parte dell'architetto. SPORCIZIA LASCIATA OVUNQUE DA 5 MESI, e ormai da 1 settimana CARTONI DI PIZZA CON ANCORA AVANZI , BOTTIGLIE DI PLASTICA E MOZZICONI DETRO BOTTIGLIE DI ACQUA...lasciati in giardino di fronte casa. AFFIDABILITA' PARI A ZERO!! ma soprattutto nessun rispetto per il povero cliente che ha con tanti sacrifici e debiti investito nella ristrutturazione. Siamo a limite della frode e della presa in giro. Tutti passano la colpa qualcun'altro ma nessuno risolve. E abbiamo solo fatto un pavimento esterno, attaccato 3 condizionatori, messo 7 porte interne, 1 porta ingresso. Gli idraulici ci hanno rovinato e spaccato un tubo e quindi abbiamo dovuto ripristinarlo ma il muro è ancora non ripristinato e le mattonelle da attaccare. Hanno posato le porte, e il battiscopa staccato è li da mesi. Intorno alle porte staccate hanno creato danni e solchi nel muro e ancora siamo in attesa di riparazione! NESSUNO CI RISPONDE E NESSUNO SE NE PREOCCUPA. SOLDI PRESI DA UN PRESTITO IN BANCA BUTTATI IN MANO A DEGLI INCOMPETENTI! Parlo di chi lavora sul posto, per quanto riguarda gli uffici rispondono cortesemente e con disponibilità, ma di per se non è stato risolto nulla!
Absolutely INCOMPETENT, DISORGANIZED, EXTREMELY LATE ON EVERYTHING, NO ASSISTANCE, WORKERS 'WORKING METHOD ABSOLUTELY LITTLE PROFESSIONAL AND DIRTY, EMBARANCING IN THE CONTINUOUS UNLOADING THE BARREL AND RESPONSIBILITY between the various characters involved. From March 2021 that we have signed ... to date we have not completed the work ... supplies and labor overdue on everything. The workers and companies involved in our restructuring are embarrassing incompetence. WRONG QUOTES WITH WRONG MEASUREMENTS, which after 8 months forced us to rearrange material, and therefore the work will go on again. The works to be completed before August ... are now still in progress and we are on the high seas as we have to wait for other supplies due to a miscalculation by the architect. DIRT LEFT EVERYWHERE FOR 5 MONTHS, and by now for 1 week CARTONS OF PIZZA WITH STILL LEAVES, PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BUTTONS BEHIND BOTTLES OF WATER ... left in the garden in front of the house. RELIABILITY EQUAL TO ZERO !! but above all no respect for the poor customer who has invested in the restructuring with so many sacrifices and debts. We are on the verge of fraud and mockery. Everyone passes the blame to someone else but no one solves it. And we just made an external floor, attached 3 air conditioners, put 7 internal doors, 1 entrance door. The plumbers ruined and cracked a pipe for us and then we had to restore it but the wall is still not restored and the tiles to stick. They put down the doors, and the detached baseboard has been there for months. Around the detached doors have created damage and grooves in the wall and we are still awaiting repair! NO ONE ANSWERS US AND NO ONE CARES. MONEY TAKEN FROM A BANK LOAN THROWED INTO THE HANDS OF INCOMPETENTS! I'm talking about those who work on site, as regards the offices they respond courteously and with availability, but nothing has been resolved per se!
Mariel Nardi on Google

RUN, do not walk, away from this company! Working with Facile was an absolute nightmare. At the beginning of the experience, everything seemed fine. We met with the manager Mauro and the architect who both seemed professional and experienced. While the architect was competent and creative, I don’t think she knows how to work well with first-time renovators. The estimate we received was created in a way to make the total cost look inexpensive, but in reality, it was missing several obvious things. Since it was our first time doing any type of renovations, we were inexperienced and didn’t realize how many things were missing from the estimate until it was too late. In our opinion, it was a strategy to get customers to sign the estimate but get much more money from them in the end. Additionally, it would have been very useful (even necessary!) for Facile to present or discuss some type of project plan with us, including a list of what we needed to buy and when. There were several situations when we were told we had to do something or buy something that same day (without having the opportunity to look around and find a good price) or we would risk delaying the entire renovation process. If we had had a discussion about a project plan or if we had had a list of what to buy and when, it would have avoided so much additional stress. In this regard, the architect could have communicated much more effectively with us. While on the topic of materials, we were pressured to buy them from Facile’s affiliate partners. We were told that the materials were discounted for Facile’s customers, but when we looked online, we found the same products at significantly cheaper prices. We also had some problems with the original impresa – they weren’t professional, did not arrive on time, or did not arrive at all to several meetings. When we asked to change the impresa, Facile told us no. They later decided to change the impresa, but only after the impresa told Facile that they were too busy to do the renovations on our house. The impresa that did the work on our house did a decent job, but we really had to constantly stay on top of them to make sure things were done right. Both the plumber and the electrician were absolutely horrible and made several big mistakes that needed to be corrected. It should be noted that while Facile claims that they only work with "trusted" impresas, they are all sub-contractors (some of whom Facile has never worked with and has no knowledge of the quality of their work). Even our architect was not an employee of Facile. In addition to the fees we paid to the architect and to Facile, they also added their margin to the cost of the work which was about 15-20%. In my opinion, they did absolutely nothing to earn that margin as they were never at the house to check on things or make sure the work was being done properly. Renovating our house was the most stressful thing I have ever experienced and it was undoubtedly made exponentially more stressful by working with Facile. I would never work with them again and would never recommend them to anyone.

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