Euro Market 2000 - SISA

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Euro Market 2000 - SISA

Address :

Viale Kennedy, 1, 90021 Alia PA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998978
Postal code : 90021
Categories :
City : Alia

Viale Kennedy, 1, 90021 Alia PA, Italy
Rocco Palermo on Google

Nicht alles ist günstig, soeben eingekauft und erst daheim gemerkt dass 1 Getränk zuviel berechnet wurde,ausserdem entscheidet die Kassiererin darüber wieviele Plastiktüten der Kunde nehmen muss (plastiktüten die dem Kunden berechnet werden und nicht kostenlos sind, wohlgemerkt), weil die Anzahl der Tüten schon am anfang des Kassiervorgang von der Kassierin willkürlich entschieden und eingetippt wird. Eine absolute Frechheit! Ich werde da ganz bestimmt nichts mehr einkaufen!
Not everything is cheap, just bought and noticed at home that 1 drink was overcharged, also decides the cashier on how many plastic bags the customer must take (plastic bags are charged to the customer and are not free, mind you), because the number of bags already arbitrarily decided and typed by the cashier at the beginning of the cashier's process. An absolute impudence! I will definitely not shop there anymore!
Paolo Lelio Palmeri on Google

Ben fornito. Prezzi buoni. Personale di cortesia eccelsa.
Well furnished. Good prices. Staff of excellent courtesy.
giuseppe salamone on Google

Ottimo lo consiglio
Excellent I recommend it
Massimo Leone on Google

Qualità, cortesia, convenienza e molti ottimi prodotti locali eccellenza della zona.
Quality, courtesy, convenience and many excellent local products of the area.
Vincenzo Macaluso on Google

Ottima la qualità e la cortesia supportata da un marchio di tutto rispetto.... Ottimo il rapporto con il prezzo che risulta davvero unico.....??????..... Ad Alia e dintorni lo consiglierei a tutti..... ?
Excellent quality and courtesy supported by a respectable brand .... Excellent relationship with the price which is truly unique ..... ?????? ..... In Alia and surroundings I would recommend it to all ..... ?
Angelo Gallina on Google

Bellissimo punto vendita. Personale gentile e assortimento completo. Ottimi i prezzi
Beautiful point of sale. Friendly staff and complete assortment. Excellent prices
Vincenzo Muní on Google

Quando faccio la spesa, devo trovarmi bene e potermi fidare dei titolari. Qui mi sento a casa, persone disponibili e cortesi, dipendenti giovani e sorridenti, tanti prodotti che spesso trovo ad un prezzo inferiore rispetto a quelli praticati altrove. Accettano persino buoni pasto!!! Che dire, lo consiglio vivamente!!!
When I shop, I have to feel comfortable and be able to trust the owners. Here I feel at home, helpful and courteous people, young and smiling employees, many products that I often find at a lower price than those practiced elsewhere. They even accept meal vouchers !!! What can I say, I highly recommend it !!!
Salvatore Nicosia on Google

Compleanno di un dipendente del supermercato, ho notato che tra i dipendenti vi è amicizia lealtà e unione, carissimi Vincenzo e Linda siete davvero fortunati ad avere del personale così preparato ad ogni tipo di situazione. Buon lavoro a tutto lo staff.
Birthday of a supermarket employee, I noticed that among the employees there is friendship, loyalty and union, dear Vincenzo and Linda you are really lucky to have staff so prepared for every type of situation. Good job to all the staff.

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