Empire Caffetteria

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Empire Caffetteria

Address :

Via Alessandro Astesani, 20161 Milano MI, Italy

Categories :
City : Milano

Via Alessandro Astesani, 20161 Milano MI, Italy
Marta Cardi on Google

邓志成 on Google

Bel posto
Nice place
Al Y on Google

Простая обстановка
Simple furnishings
Valentina Yang on Google

Si diverte
He has fun
yongquan hu on Google

Cordiali e gentili
Friendly and kind
Antonietta Formisano on Google

Bel posto
Nice place
Gianluca on Google

Rumorosità assurda. Poche ragazze Solo patatine e arachidi servite con birra...su richiesta
Absurd noise. Few girls Only chips and peanuts served with beer ... on request
Lula Lula on Google

Brioche buone ma 7 euro una brioche, un cappuccino e una spremuta mi sembra eccessivo. Non tornerò mi spiace
Good croissants but 7 euros a croissant, a cappuccino and a juice seems excessive to me. I will not go back sorry

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