Dott.Guido Baroni

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dott.Guido Baroni

Address :

Via Giovanni Lanza, 56, 50136 Firenze FI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–8PM
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
Friday 8AM–8PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Firenze

Via Giovanni Lanza, 56, 50136 Firenze FI, Italy
Chiara Fioravanti on Google

Ho fatto un lunghissimo ciclo di fisioterapia con Guido dopo una frattura spiroide dell’omero per la quale non mi avevano operata. Dopo mesi di tutore la spalla era quasi completamente immobilizzata e qualunque movimento dell’articolazione mi provocava dolore. Grazie al suo lavoro preciso e tenace sono tornata a utilizzarla come prima. Professionista che consiglio caldamente!
I underwent a very long course of physiotherapy with Guido after a spiroid fracture of the humerus for which I had not been operated on. After months in the brace, the shoulder was almost completely immobilized and any movement of the joint caused me pain. Thanks to her precise and tenacious work, I went back to using it as before. Professional I highly recommend!
Ilaria Scheggi on Google

Da due mesi mi segue con pazienza in un percorso per aumentare la muscolatura. Dopo anni di inattività grazie a Guido ho finalmente trovato la motivazione per allenarmi con costanza. Adesso affronto le giornate con molte più energie e anche i dolori legati a una pessima postura sono spariti! Un professionista competente e disponibile, assolutamente consigliato!
For two months he has been patiently following me on a path to increase my muscles. After years of inactivity thanks to Guido I finally found the motivation to train consistently. Now I face the days with much more energy and even the pains related to bad posture are gone! A competent and helpful professional, absolutely recommended!
Elena Landi on Google

Professionista serio e preparato, sempre disponibile e presente verso il paziente, rassicurandolo e incoraggiandolo durante tutto il piano terapeutico. Il dottor Baroni é il fisioterapista che ognuno si augura di avere accanto nel momento del bisogno.
Serious and prepared professional, always available and present to the patient, reassuring and encouraging him throughout the therapeutic plan. Doctor Baroni is the physiotherapist that everyone hopes to have at their side in times of need.
Grazia Sirianni on Google

Con un percorso fisioterapico graduale e mirato Guido mi ha aiutato a superare degli importanti problemi fisici che avevo da diverso tempo e che mi provocavano non poche sofferenze. Contenta di essermi rivolta ad un professionista che oltre alla competenza, dimostra grande attenzione per il paziente. Gli sono davvero grata per avermi rimesso in sesto, facendomi tornare finalmente a star bene.
With a gradual and targeted physiotherapy path, Guido helped me to overcome the important physical problems that I had had for some time and that caused me a lot of suffering. Happy to have turned to a professional who, in addition to competence, shows great attention to the patient. I'm really grateful to him for putting me back together, finally making me feel good again.
armando ferriani on Google

Per due problemi importanti mi sono rivolto a Guido: spalla e quadricipite. In tempi diversi, la spalla dopo un intervento non banale alla cuffia dei rotatori e dopo un paio di anni per problemi al tono muscolare del quadricipite. In entrambi i casi l’intervento e la professionalità di Guido mi hanno aiutato veramente tantissimo. Ho recuperato la spalla al 99,9% e sono in via di risoluzione per il problema al quadricipite, per colpa mia in quanto sono poco costante con gli esercizi. Ho 61 anni e non pensavo dì recuperare così bene. Grazie
For two important problems I turned to Guido: shoulder and quadriceps. At different times, the shoulder after a non-trivial surgery on the rotator cuff and after a couple of years for problems with the muscle tone of the quadriceps. In both cases, Guido's intervention and professionalism really helped me a lot. I recovered my shoulder at 99.9% and I am in the process of resolving the quadriceps problem, which is my fault as I am not very consistent with the exercises. I am 61 years old and did not think I would recover so well. Thank you
Bianca Gignac on Google

Very caring person, and did wonders for my shoulder while I was visiting Florence for a short stay. Very prompt and knowledgeable -- highly recommended!
Silvana Saccomani on Google

I am a Canadian travelling in Italy when I threw my back out. In Canada I would have known who to go to for 'dry needling' and it would have been treated quickly. In Italy, dry needling is not as common a practice. Fortunately when we were in Florence, I researched and found Dr. Guido Baroni, a physician and physiotherapist who does dry needling. He was able to see me within 48 hours. Apart from getting me in quickly, I appreciated his professional and pleasant manner and his competent technique. After two weeks of discomfort, I am now able to enjoy the rest of our stay in Italy. Grazie Dott. Baroni per la sua attenzione e disponibilita'. PS His English is very good as well. Highly recommend.
Lyndita Kordic on Google

Dr. Baroni is an extremely professional, knowledgeable and kind physiotherapist. His treatments are thorough and effective. He is very accommodating and goes above and beyond by spending more than enough time listening to your concerns and answering your questions. I highly recommend Dr. Baroni to anyone who is in search of an excellent physiotherapist.

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