Doctor Mario Riccardo Pozzi

4/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Doctor Mario Riccardo Pozzi

Address :

Viale Corsica, 50, 20137 Milano MI, Italy

Categories :
City : Milano

Viale Corsica, 50, 20137 Milano MI, Italy
Paolo Ceresa on Google

Pensieri e Parole - Umanistica on Google

Ottimo medico, si prende cura del paziente (o utente) con attenzione clinica e nel rispetto della sua storia personale.
Excellent doctor, he takes care of the patient (or user) with clinical attention and respecting his personal history.
Silvia Repanai on Google

Vorrei che le due persone che hanno recensito il dott. Pozzi mi spiegassero come hanno fatto a incontrarlo e parlaci insieme tanto da poter fare una recensione. Mi dessero numi perché io è da agosto che ci tento senza risultati, sempre la stessa risposta: agenda chiusa richiami. Su ci sono 4 mesi di attesa!!!!! Do 1 stella ma ne darei meno dieci
I wish the two people who reviewed Dr. Pozzi explained to me how they managed to meet him and talk to him together so that we could do a review. They gave me numbers because I have been trying to do it without results since August, always the same answer: closed agenda, please call. On there are 4 months of waiting !!!!! I give 1 star but I would give less than ten
R Marie Alaoui on Google

Finding the right words to describe Doctor Mario Pozzi is very difficult. He is a professional Doctor, has great Human value, infinite Wisdom, great availability and kind listening.This is the first time I entrust all my health issues to a doctor without thinking twice.the best of the best. he is an extra number one above the number one. May the Lord God bless him Amen.

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