Consolato onorario della Romania

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Consolato onorario della Romania

Address :

Viale del Poggio Imperiale, 32, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9977
Website :
Categories :
City : Firenze

Viale del Poggio Imperiale, 32, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy
Ivana Hachova on Google

Viorel Vornicu on Google

Cezar Marian Nae on Google

Mita Flavius on Google

Nimeni prezent, nimeni nu raspunde la telefon
No one present, no one answers the phone
Petro Oarza on Google

Alti bani aruncati aiurea, nu fac certificate nastere,buletin,pasapoarte,nimic.timp pierdut pt ca nu au pus nici telefon,nici orar pe internet ( pus eu)nici informatii cu ceea ce fac.?????
Other money thrown away, do not make birth certificates, bulletin, passports, nothing. Wasted time because they did not put any phone, no timetable on the Internet (I put them) or information about what I do.
Mario Muraru on Google

Chiami, risponde, non ti parla e chiude.
You call, he answers, he doesn't talk to you and closes.
Flori Roman on Google

Consulat de doi bani!!! O zi întreaga am stat la telefon și nu a răspuns nimeni! Am fost personal acolo, o jumătate de oră am sunat la poartă dar nimeni nu s-a deranjat sa răspundă! Asta este grija autorităților române pentru cetățenii României!RUȘINE!
Consulate for two bucks !!! I sat on the phone all day and no one answered! I was there personally, I rang the bell for half an hour but no one bothered to answer! This is the concern of the Romanian authorities for the citizens of Romania!
fulvia d on Google

Mi domando a cosa serve questo ufficio non risponde nessuno e non sbrigano nessun servizio ...soldi sprecati.
I wonder what this office is for ... if no one answers and they do no service ... wasted money.

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