Colle Bereto Azienda Agricola

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Colle Bereto Azienda Agricola

Address :

Localita' Colle Bereto, 53017 Radda in Chianti SI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977788
Postal code : 53017
Website :
Categories :
City : Radda In Chianti

Localita' Colle Bereto, 53017 Radda in Chianti SI, Italy
Alessia Miniati on Google

Azienda biologica nel cuore del Chianti classico. Vini eccellenti integralmente prodotti e imbottigliati all'origine, tra cui alcune chicche come il merlot 100%, il pinot nero 100%, Chianti Classico riserva e gran selezione e un delizioso spumante brut rosé metodo classico.
Organic farm in the heart of classic Chianti. Excellent wines entirely produced and bottled at the origin, including some goodies such as 100% merlot, 100% pinot noir, Chianti Classico Riserva and great selection and a delicious classic method brut rosé sparkling wine.
marco panzeri on Google

Cantina stuuuuupenda, vino che tocca l eccellenza!!!!!! Non bisogna far altro che i complimenti
Cantina stuuuupenda, wine that touches excellence !!!!!! All you have to do is compliments
Portineria Villa San Michele on Google

Fra le più belle cantine di tutta la Toscana. Una storia vera, familiare che ha dato frutto a questo bel posto ed a questi vini di eccellenza. Una storia che viene raccontata con partecipazione da chiunque lavora qui, in particolare dal Signor Bernardo, che più spesso accoglie gli ospiti e li guida nella vista e nella degustazione. Una nota speciale va alla loro produzione in loco di olio, grano e farine, con cui fanno poi la pasta e la cucina; infatti mangiare a Colle Bereto è altrettanto spettacolare per i sensi ed il palato tanto quanto bere i loro i vini. Un grande nome, vero, genuino ma sofisticato, come la passione che ci mettono nel rispettare sempre la terra su cui lavorano. Bravissimi!
Among the most beautiful wineries in all of Tuscany. A true, family history that has given rise to this beautiful place and to these wines of excellence. A story that is told with participation by anyone who works here, in particular by Mr. Bernardo, who more often welcomes guests and guides them in the sight and tasting. A special note goes to their local production of oil, wheat and flours, with which they then make pasta and cooking; in fact eating in Colle Bereto is just as spectacular for the senses and the palate as much as drinking their wines. A great name, true, genuine but sophisticated, like the passion they put into always respecting the land they work on. Very good!
Alex Albaladejo on Google

nice place
Maria Giulia Ricci on Google

Real Tuscany Experience
Sharad Patel on Google

Underwhelmed. Nice views. Expensive wines. Questionable value
Sandra Hodgson on Google

Picturesque setting, knowledgeable and hospitable staff who’s passion and attention to detail translates into delicious wines.
George Bozovic on Google

Lovely winery on the rolling hills facing Radda. Bernando was an excellent host, giving a tour of the winery, methods and plans for the future. I tasted a Colle Bereto Chianti classico in a restaurant in Tuscany, the wines while not widely available as some other brands, they are excellent hence recommended visit to the winery.

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