Classic High School and Language Lady of the Snows

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Classic High School and Language Lady of the Snows

Address :

Via Nigoline, 36, 25030 Adro BS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9777
Postal code : 25030
Website :
Categories :
City : Adro

Via Nigoline, 36, 25030 Adro BS, Italy
Philips Thing on Google

Per fortuna che è cattolica! Discriminazioni e differenze sono all’ordine del giorno. Esperienza da dimenticare.
Fortunately she is Catholic! Discrimination and differences are on the agenda. Experience to forget.
Per. Ind. Martinelli on Google

Ottimo ambiente, metodo formativo stimolante e professionalità dei docenti sono a mio avviso i punti di forza di questa struttura
Excellent environment, stimulating training method and professionalism of the teachers are in my opinion the strengths of this structure
Cristina Emme on Google

Il Liceo "Madonna della Neve" è un'ottima scuola, che offre molte attività in un ambiente sereno.
The Liceo "Madonna della Neve" is an excellent school, which offers many activities in a peaceful environment.
Veronica Capelli on Google

io sono alle elementari ma resterò lì fino al liceo, mi sono trovata bellissima e molto accogliente.
I am in elementary school but I will stay there until high school, I found myself beautiful and very welcoming.
Caterina Lazzaroni on Google

Ho frequentato in questa scuola medie e liceo scientifico. Sono passati anni da quando l'ho finita, ma, essendo sempre rimasta in contatto, posso dire che la scuola si è evoluta notevolmente! Credo abbia raggiunto livelli d'avanguardia! L'offerta formativa è ampia e paragonabile ai migliori atenei presenti all'estero. Forse non è accessibile proprio a tutti, essendo una scuola privata (paritaria), ma la qualità è alta!!
I attended high school and high school in this school. It's been years since I finished it, but, having always been in touch, I can say that the school has evolved considerably! I believe it has reached cutting-edge levels! The educational offer is wide and comparable to the best universities abroad. Perhaps it is not accessible to everyone, being a private school (equal), but the quality is high !!
Pieralberto Fazio on Google

Per la Scuola primaria, in una nuova costruzione con spazi ben organizzati, attrezzature adeguate, insegnanti molto preparati. La secondaria e il liceo sono nella struttura storica. Scuola con forte attitudine musicale. Situata vicino al Santuario e ai vigneti della franciacorta.
For primary school, in a new building with well-organized spaces, adequate equipment, highly trained teachers. The secondary and high school are in the historical structure. School with strong musical aptitude. Located near the Sanctuary and the Franciacorta vineyards.
Нелли Марго on Google

Ультрасовременная школа, использующая в работе все самые передовые методики преподавания. Младшая школа: Все ребята обеспечены в школе планшетами и во время разных уроков используют планшеты для выполнения заданий. Обучение пользованию интегрировано в учебный процесс по предметам. Английский на высоком уровне благодаря использованию программы Клил и преподаванию носителями. Специальные музыкальные проекты. На базе школы действует музыкальная школа с 26 преподавателями 16 разных инструментов. Благодаря этому, в рамках школьной программы ребята могут выбрать инструмент для обучения, который предоставит школа. Шахматы преподают интересно, увлечены все дети и даже сами играют на переменах. Много уделяется внимания работе малыми группами, при этом дети учатся координировать работу, распределять обязанности, отстаивать своё решение, соглашаться с решением большинства. Для усложнить этой задачи по некоторым предметам группы создают из ребята разных классов. Во время локдауна школа обеспечила продуктивную работу с помощью видео уроков, заданий в виртуальном классе, при этом не перегрузив ребят и не отствав по программе. Домашним заданием детей не перегружают. Многие предметы идут парами....
An ultra-modern school that uses all the most advanced teaching methods in its work. Junior school: All children are provided with tablets at school and during different lessons use tablets to complete assignments. Learning to use is integrated into the educational process of the subjects. English at a high level thanks to the use of the Cleel program and teaching by native speakers. Special musical projects. On the basis of the school, there is a music school with 26 teachers of 16 different instruments. Thanks to this, within the framework of the school curriculum, children can choose a learning tool that the school will provide. Chess is taught in an interesting way, all children are enthusiastic and even play themselves during recess. Much attention is paid to work in small groups, while children learn to coordinate work, distribute responsibilities, defend their decision, agree with the decision of the majority. To complicate this task in some subjects, groups are created from children of different classes. During the lockdown, the school ensured productive work with the help of video lessons, assignments in a virtual classroom, while not overloading the children and keeping up with the program. Children are not overwhelmed with homework. Many items come in pairs ...
francesca dossi on Google


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