Christian Orthodox Saint Lion's Church

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Christian Orthodox Saint Lion's Church

Address :

Piazza Turi Ferro, 30, 95131 Catania CT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9988
Categories :
City : Catania

Piazza Turi Ferro, 30, 95131 Catania CT, Italy
Daniela Marieta Paun on Google

Si aspetta un aiuto per rinnovare questa chiesa!
Expect help to renovate this church!
Irina Dunas on Google

Доброго вечора, підскажіть чи проводяться месси в неділю та в котрій годині???
Good evening, tell me if Masses are held on Sunday and at what time ???
Giovanni Villagrasso on Google

Parrocchia che si sviluppa all'interno di una preesistente chiasa cattolico-latina. Ricca di Santo Spirito e Devozione alla Trinità.
Parish that develops within a pre-existing Latin-Catholic Chiasa. Rich in the Holy Spirit and devotion to the Trinity.
Dario on Google

Piccola chiesa Cristiano Ortodossa di rito greco. Piacevole e confortevole. Liturgia suggestiva.
Small Greek Orthodox Christian church. Pleasant and comfortable. Suggestive liturgy.
Pietro Magri on Google

San leone Ancora giovane entrò nell'ordine dei monaci benedettini e si trasferì a Reggio Calabria. Fu eletto Vescovo di Catania, si narra che i catanesi, dovendo eleggere un nuovo Vescovo, avessero avuto in sogno da un angelo che a Reggio Calabria vivesse un uomo, Leone in odore di santità, che sarebbe stato la persona giusta per ricoprire la carica di Vescovo. E' venerato dalla chiesa Cattolica e Ortodossa.
San leone Still young, he entered the Benedictine monks order and moved to Reggio Calabria. He was elected Bishop of Catania, it is said that the Catanesi, having to elect a new Bishop, had had in a dream by an angel who lived in Reggio Calabria a man, Leo in the odor of sanctity, who would be the right person to hold the office of Bishop. He is revered by the Catholic and Orthodox church.
Giovanni G. Pappalardo on Google

Chiesa Parrocchiale Ortodossa nel pieno centro storico di Catania. La Chiesa Cattolica e le Chiese Ortodosse sono le più antiche e le più simili tra loro per dottrina e per organizzazione tra tutte le comunità cristiane, rispetto poniamo a quelle anglicane, luterane, riformate, metodiste, battiste, pentecostali. Ma hanno anche differenze che impediscono loro la «piena comunione», cioè di celebrare insieme l’Eucarestia.
Orthodox Parish Church in the historic center of Catania. The Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches are the oldest and most similar to each other in terms of doctrine and organization among all Christian communities, with respect to the Anglican, Lutheran, Reformed, Methodist, Baptist and Pentecostal communities. But they also have differences that prevent them from "full communion", that is, to celebrate the Eucharist together.
Urania Giulia Papatheu on Google

Luogo di culto particolarmente suggestivo . I fedeli sono una famiglia attorno al quale ti senti parte . Atmosfera suggestiva . Particolarmente consigliata a chi vuole raccogliersi in preghiera ?
Particularly suggestive place of worship. The faithful are a family around which you feel part. Suggestive atmosphere. Particularly recommended for those who want to gather in prayer ?
Anastasios Symeonidis on Google

Ο Άγιος Λέων εγεννήθηκε στη Ραβέννα της Ιταλίας από γονείς ευλαβείς και ευγενείς . Αφού εσπούδασε, εχειροτονήθηκε πρεσβύτερος στη Ραβέννα και αργότερα εξελέγη για την καθαρότητα και πνευματικότητα του βίου αυτού Επίσκοπος Κατάνης της Σικελίας. Ο Άγιος Θεός τον επροίκισε με το χάρισμα της θαυματουργίας. Εκοιμήθηκε με ειρήνη το 785 μ.Χ. και το σεπτό λείψανό του ενταφιάσθηκε στο ναό της Αγίας Λουκίας. Απολυτίκιο (Ηχος α’. Της ερήμου πολίτης) Ιερέων ακρότης, ευσεβείας διδάσκαλος και θαυματουργός ανεδείχθης, ιεράρχα πανόλβιε, ηθών γαρ ουρανίων τω φωτί, του Πνεύματος πλουτήσας την ισχύν, θεραπεύεις τους νοσούντας και τας ψυχάς, Λέων, των προσιόντων σοι. Δόξα τω σε δοξάσαντι, δόξα, τω σε στεφανώσαντι, δόξα τω ενεργούντι διά σού πάσιν ιάματα.
Saint Leo was born in Ravenna, Italy, by pious and noble parents. After studying, he served as a presbyter in Ravenna and was later elected for the purity and spirituality of this lifetime Bishop of Catania in Sicily. The Holy God brought him with the charisma of miracles. He was honored in peace in 785 AD. and his seventh relic buried in the temple of Saint Lucia. Apolitikio (Sound of the desert citizen) Priestly speaking, a praiseworthy teacher and a miraculous one, hierarchal priests, morals of heaven, the Spirit of the Spirit, the Spirit of the Spirit, you heal the sick, and the souls, Leos, and your selves. I glorify you in glory, glory, in crowning, glory, acting for all your loves.

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