Chiesa di San Martino in Sologno

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Contact Chiesa di San Martino in Sologno

Address :

42030 Sologno RE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 42030
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City : Sologno

42030 Sologno RE, Italy
Massimo Ferrari on Google

La chiesa di San Martino appare per la prima volta nel 1456 sebbene, già prima, fosse presente una cappella. Si dice che l’antica chiesa parrocchiale, forse caduta in rovina a causa di una frana, si trovasse a circa mezzo chilometro dall’attuale. Nel 1674 viene descritta come una delle più belle fra le chiese di montagna. La visita del vescovo Picenardi del 1707 la descrive rivolta ad oriente con un’unica navata a tre altari. Nel 1822 si ricostruisce la chiesa con tre navate in volto e cinque altari. La chiesa si presenta con una facciata a capanna timpanata e portale riquadrato, coronata da frontespizio, mentre Il campanile è concluso da una cella a monofore.
The church of San Martino appears for the first time in 1456 although, already before, there was a chapel. It is said that the ancient parish church, perhaps fallen into disrepair due to a landslide, was located about half a kilometer from the current one. In 1674 it is described as one of the most beautiful of the mountain churches. The visit of Bishop Picenardi of 1707 describes it facing east with a single nave with three altars. In 1822 the church was rebuilt with three naves in the face and five altars. The church has a gabled timpanated façade and a squared portal, crowned with a frontispiece, while the bell tower is completed by a single-lighted cell.

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