Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista

Address : San Giovanni, 18010 Cervo IM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9889
Postal code : 18010
Website :
Categories :
City : Cervo San Giovanni, 18010 Cervo IM, Italy
Andrea Musso on Google

Chiesa e piazza sono raggiungibili in auto dalla strada che aggira il borgo antico, scendendo poche gradinate. Per chi ama camminare e non ha problemi consiglio la salita dal parcheggio in basso, dove inizia la zona pedonale, per godere della scoperta del dedalo di vicoli in ombra fra scale e portichi. Sbucare in piazza è un’esperienza che affascina con la sua vista, la chiesa è visitabile e si incastona fra le case attorno a cui si appoggia con archi strutturali.
The church and the square can be reached by car from the road that goes around the ancient village, going down a few steps. For those who love walking and have no problems, I recommend the ascent from the car park at the bottom, where the pedestrian area begins, to enjoy the discovery of the maze of shaded alleys between stairs and arcades. Coming out into the square is an experience that fascinates with its view, the church can be visited and is nestled between the houses around which it rests with structural arches.
Sara Vassy on Google

Scendendo lungo i carruggi si apre questa meravigliosa Chiesa .. la piazza il panorama il suo interno sono imperdibili anche da chi la vede per l’ennesima volta ma con gli occhi di chi sta accompagnando a scoprirla
Going down the alleys this wonderful church opens up .. the square the view its interior are also unmissable for those who see it for the umpteenth time but with the eyes of those who are accompanying them to discover it
Gianluca Davello on Google

Bellissimo borgo che merita assolutamente la visita se passate da queste parti! Perdersi per queste vie ciottolate e ritrovarsi all’improvviso di fronte all’immensità del blu… Cervo rappresenta a pieno la bellezza di questa terra.
Beautiful village that is absolutely worth a visit if you pass by here! Getting lost in these cobbled streets and suddenly finding yourself in front of the immensity of the blue ... Cervo fully represents the beauty of this land.
Pietro Maciotta on Google

Impressive view, especially in the night hours.
Alpinism Utilitar Bucuresti on Google

A very nice place to visit.
destroyerofeverything on Google

The church is very nice! I'm not a religious person but the decorations are nice. Loved the statue of Neptune on the front of the building.
Jerome on Google

Nice church, it is worth taking a look inside. No entry fee. On the place in front of the church you can have a nice view of the sea.
Alan C (AlanC-LAUK) on Google

The relatively plain exterior of this church opens into a huge interior that is cool and has a wonderfully peaceful atmosphere. Ornate without being ostentatious. No entrance charge March 2018.

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