centro revisione auto e moto

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact centro revisione auto e moto

Address :

Via Nazionale, 39, 90045 Cinisi PA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99877
Postal code : 90045
Categories :
City : Cinisi

Via Nazionale, 39, 90045 Cinisi PA, Italy
Riccardo on Google

Serietà e competenza contraddistinguono questa fornitissima officina, che ho avuto più volte modo di provare in occasione delle revisioni periodiche dell'automobile.
Reliability and competence distinguish this well-stocked workshop, which I have had the opportunity to try several times during periodic car reviews.
Katharina Kaiser on Google

Wir haben hier unseren Mietwagen waschen lassen vor der Rückgabe am Flughafen um böse Überraschungen zu vermeiden. Die 10 € sind sehr gut investiert. Das Auto wurde nicht nur außen gewaschen, sondern auch innen gesaugt und von 2 Wochen Sand befreit, und auch alle Scheiben etc geputzt. Kann ich nur empfehlen!!!
We have our rental car washed here before returning to the airport to avoid nasty surprises. The 10 € are very well invested. The car was not only washed outside, but also sucked inside and free of sand for 2 weeks, and cleaned all the discs etc. I can only recommend!!!
Giuseppe Lorello on Google

Mi sono fermato con la mia punto con diversi problemi alle luci come lo stop luce targa e fari orientati male e tutto è stato riparato e regolato con molta efficienza e celerità a prezzi bassissimi. Tornerò volentieri se avessi di nuovo bisogno.
I stopped with my point with several problems with the lights such as the stop light plate and badly oriented headlights and everything was repaired and adjusted very efficiently and quickly at very low prices. I will gladly come back if I need it again.
axina valiux on Google

Massima cortesia e disponibilità. I prezzi assolutamente corretti. Sempre pronti ad aiutare anche venendo a prendere la macchina a domicilio.
Maximum courtesy and availability. Prices absolutely correct. Always ready to help even picking up the car from home.
girolamo emiliani on Google

Ho usufruito del centro revisioni per la riparazione della mia auto da lavoro. La mia macchina aveva problemi di stabilità e assetto stradale nella parte anteriore. La professionalita, l'intuito, le attrezzature per la diagnosi ne fanno l'eccellenza dell'officina Mannino. Hanno risolto il mio problema, con grande professionalità. Oggi posso dire che la mia macchina sembra come nuova acquistando aderenza e stabilità. Consiglio a tutti di usufruire dei servizi dell'autofficina, centro revisioni e sostituzione gomme. Potete approfittare per un rapido check-up prima della vostra revisione. Io l'ho fatto.
I used the inspection center to repair my work car. My car had stability and road trim issues at the front. Professionalism, intuition, diagnostic equipment make it the excellence of the Mannino workshop. They solved my problem with great professionalism. Today I can say that my car looks like new, gaining grip and stability. I recommend everyone to use the services of the garage, inspection center and tire replacement. You can take advantage of a quick check-up before your review. I did it.
Francesco Sangineto on Google

Ottimo centro revisione e officina meccanica. Il titolare Sig. Mazzola, molto disponibile e professionale. Ve lo consiglio
Excellent overhaul center and mechanical workshop. The owner Mr. Mazzola, very helpful and professional. I recommend it
Petrica Ionuț Irimia on Google

Ken Sorensen on Google

These are going to rob you!! They will absolutely get you to pay for washing fees regardless of how dirty the car is when you pick up and regardless how clean it is when you leave. They will insist the car is not fueled, despite we fueled the car only 100 meters. They will be on their news to see if they can find any scratches on the wheels or anywhere. They are very rude and unfriendly!! They WILL try to sell you extra insurance despites you have already paid for full insurance.

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