Centro Casa

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro Casa

Address :

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 1, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 39100
Website : http://www.centrocasa.bolzano.it/
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Bolzano

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 1, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy
Paula Kofler on Google

Sehr, sehr unkompetenter Verein wundere mich dass die Autonome Provinz Bozen solche unkompetente Angestellte mit öffendliche Steuergelder aufrechterhalten. Traurig, Traurig!!!!!!
Very, very incompetent association I am amazed that the Autonomous Province of Bolzano maintains such incompetent employees with public taxpayers' money. Sad sad!!!!!!
Ingeborg Ebner on Google

Die gehen ja gar nicht ans Telefon. Habe es drei Tage lang immer wieder versucht. Läuft nur das Band.... Und das nicht mal zweisprachig...
They don't answer the phone at all. Tried repeatedly for three days. Only the tape runs ... And not even bilingual ...
Sieglinde Parth on Google

Ich zahlte Jahre lang Mitgliedsbeiträge an dem Mieterschutz von Meran!!!! Der Mieterschutz Meran gab mir 9 Jahre lang keine Hilfe diesbezüglich des Schimmels, der Mängel und dem Mobbing in der unbewohnbaren Mietwohnung!!! Die Mitarbeiterin vom Mieterschutz Meran war immer sehr freundlich und nett!!! Nur mit Reden alleine ist es aber nicht getan!!! Immer wieder war und ist Sie Monate lang weck, sagte mir der Mieterschutz Bozen!! Dann vertritt Sie Niemand in Meran, man muss dann extra nach Bozen fahren!!!!! Bekam kurzfristig eine Ipeswohnung!!! Weil die Frau wieder nicht in Meran war, antwortete der Mieterschutz n Bozen!!! Ein auffallend unfreundlicher Herr im mittleren Alter sagte mir, ich soll laut reden, Er höre nichts, sonst lasse Er es sofort mit mir sagte Er mir!!!!!! Er sagte mir den Termin mit ihm ab in Bozen, er sagte nur aufgrund des Schimmels kann ich nicht so kurzfristig kündigen!!!Aber 9 Jahre lang schrieb die Mitarbeiterin vom Mieterschutz Meran nie einen Bief zur Schimmel-Behebung oder zur Unterlassung des Mobbings!!!!!! Aber ich wusste ja nicht,wann ich die Ipes-Zuteilung bekam!!!! Ich bekam eben eine kurzfristige Ipesmitteilung 28 Tage davor! Das kann ich auch nicht dafür!! Aber nie eine Hilfe, zahle Euch keinen Cent mehr!!! Ihr seid das Geld leider nicht Wert!!!
For years I paid membership fees to the tenant protection of Merano !!!! The tenant protection Merano gave me no help for 9 years with regard to the mold, the defects and the bullying in the uninhabitable rented apartment! The employee from tenant protection Merano was always very friendly and nice! Just talking is not enough! Again and again she was and is wake up for months, said the Bozen tenant protection! Then nobody will represent you in Merano, you have to go to Bolzano !!!!! Got an Ipes apartment at short notice! Because the woman was not in Merano again, the tenant protection responded in Bolzano! A noticeably unfriendly middle-aged gentleman told me to speak loudly, he wouldn't hear anything, otherwise he would leave it with me immediately He told me !!!!!! He canceled my appointment with him in Bolzano, he only said because of the mold I cannot cancel at short notice !!! But for 9 years the employee from Merano tenant protection never wrote a letter to remedy mold or to refrain from bullying !! !!!! But I didn’t know when I would get the Ipes assignment !!!! I just got a short notice Ipes notification 28 days before! I can't help it either !! But never a help, don't pay you a cent more !!! Unfortunately you are not worth the money !!!
Stefano M on Google

Primo obbiettivo di questo club è tesserare, dopodiché chissenefrega, impera cafonaggine e maleducazione.
The first goal of this club is to register, after which who cares, reigns naivety and rudeness.
Sonia Trevisan on Google

Ho avuto a che fare con un signore che ancora oggi da giugno non ha voluto darmi una risposta ai miei dubbi. Una persona scortese e maleducata che da subito si è dimostrata indisponente. Si è preoccupata soltanto di mandarmi la tessera che avevo pagato anticipatamente. Ho contattato il Centro Casa di Merano la cui primaria preoccupazione è stata ancora quella di chiedermi se avevo la tessera di iscrizione. Ancora oggi nessun servizio reso.
I had to deal with a gentleman who still has not wanted to give me an answer to my doubts since June. A rude and rude person who immediately proved irritating. She only bothered to send me the card I had prepaid. I contacted the Centro Casa di Merano whose primary concern was still to ask me if I had the registration card. Still no service rendered.
Debora “Deb” Lum on Google

Maleducati, scortesi. Mai più chiederò i loro servizi. Con appuntamento fissato alle 14, la sede risulta chiusa. Alle 14:20, con 35 gradi, si presenta quello che abbiamo scoperto in seguito essere il responsabile, che inizialmente si è qualificato quale soggetto di passaggio, tipo portacarte. Soggetto maleducato, arrogante, al posto di chiedere scusa per il disagio creato e produrre la certificazione di conformità del contratto di locazione per il quale abbiamo atteso 2 settimana l'appuntamento, si è messo a gridare per la piazza, senza nemmeno farci entrare nel locale. In altra occasione stesso soggetto, per aver chiesto informazioni telefoniche, si è comportato nella stessa maniera, grida ed urla senza motivo. Sinceramente, consiglierei il pensionamento, perché tale soggetto è arrivato, non riesce ad interfacciarsi con il pubblico ed offrendo un servizio vincolante per la certificazione dei contratti di locazione, credo si configuri anche un disservizio al servizio pubblico. Chiedendo ad agenti immobiliari hanno confermato questo comportamento irrispettoso. Mi fermo, ma ci sarebbe molto altro da scrivere. Andate all'associazione proprietari, che solo per dire, sono professionali.
Rude, rude. Never again will I ask for their services. With an appointment fixed at 14, the office is closed. At 2:20 pm, with 35 degrees, the one we later discovered to be the person in charge shows up, who initially qualified as a passing subject, like a paper holder. Rude, arrogant subject, instead of apologizing for the inconvenience created and producing the certification of compliance of the lease for which we waited 2 weeks for the appointment, he started shouting around the square, without even letting us enter the room . On another occasion, the same person, for having asked for information over the telephone, behaved in the same way, shouting and screaming for no reason. Honestly, I would recommend retirement, because this subject has arrived, cannot interface with the public and offers a binding service for the certification of leases, I believe it is also a disservice to the public service. By asking real estate agents they confirmed this disrespectful behavior. I stop, but there would be much more to write. Go to the owners association, which just to say, they are professional.
Mario Baietta on Google

Ragazzo incompetente e sgarbato! Mia mamma trattata come una pezza da piedi! Consiglio di cambiare lavoro e lasciare il posto a qualcun'altro con più voglia!
Incompetent and rude boy! My mom treated like a toe rag! I recommend to change jobs and give way to someone else with more desire!
Kanto21 on Google

Nel 2022 non conoscono la digitalizzazione, pretendono continui appuntamenti fisici per portare carte, cui seguono ulteriori appuntamenti fisici per avere dei documenti. Si fanno costantemente rincorrere, sono lenti, inefficaci e non hanno rispetto né accortezza per l'utenza. Sono peraltro servizi a pagamento. Fuori dal tempo e dalla realtà.
In 2022 they do not know digitization, they expect continuous physical appointments to bring papers, followed by further physical appointments to have documents. They are constantly being chased, they are slow, ineffective and have no respect or care for users. However, they are paid services. Out of time and reality.

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