Catania House Apartment

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Catania House Apartment

Address :

16b, Via Serve della Divina Provvidenza, 95123 Catania CT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998
Website :
Categories :
City : Catania

16b, Via Serve della Divina Provvidenza, 95123 Catania CT, Italy
Franca Varketta on Google

Appartamento semifatiscente, sporco e decentrato...non rovinatevi le vacanze!!!
Semifatiscente, dirty and decentralized apartment ... don't ruin your holidays !!!
nathalie magallon on Google

Quartier calme appartement avec jardin propriétaire très disponible et réactif car réservation de dernière minute suite à deception
Quiet area apartment with garden owner very available and responsive car last minute booking following deception
Maria Bifulco on Google

Scarsa pulizia, arredamento estremamente trascurato, divani letto poco stabili, giardino completamente abbandonato. Le foto , postate sul sito, non sono assolutamente veritiere.
Poor cleanliness, extremely neglected furnishings, not very stable sofa beds, completely abandoned garden. The photos, posted on the site, are absolutely not true.
Mariapia Alfonsi on Google

Appartamento grande ma divani letto scomodi per dormirci...per un paio di notti si resiste ma non per lunghe vacanze! Altrimenti in 4 va bene camera matrimoniale e cameretta con due lettini... per il resto carino!
Large apartment but uncomfortable sofa beds to sleep on ... for a couple of nights you resist but not for long holidays! Otherwise in 4 is good double bedroom and bedroom with two beds ... otherwise nice!
Deli Tibi on Google

Fűtési szezonban fűtés nélküli lakás várt minket, három napra 25eurót kellett plusz költségként fizetnünk egy gázpalackért, ami az utolsó napra ki is ürült, és már meleg víz sem volt. A plafonok penészesek. Amúgy tágas, jól felszerelt, de például mikró nincs.
During the heating season, an unheated apartment was waiting for us, for three days we had to pay 25 euros for a gas bottle which was empty by the last day and there was no hot water. Ceilings are moldy. It is spacious, well equipped, but it has no microwave.
Roberta Paris on Google

Appartamento sporco e trascurato. Freddo perché i termosifoni erano considerati "un supplemento" che ci è costato 40 euro per una sola notte(visto il freddo impossibile farne a meno).Il proprietario si è giustificato con il fatto che non fosse scritto sull'annuncio quindi non incluso.Freddo da morire. Mai capitata una cosa del genere. Non lo consiglio...assolutamente.
Dirty and neglected apartment. Cold because the radiators were considered "a supplement" which cost us 40 euros for one night only (given the cold it was impossible to do without it). The owner justified himself with the fact that it was not written on the ad and therefore not included. to death. Such a thing has never happened. I do not recommend it ... absolutely.
Dihezowy on Google

Average place for high price
naushad mohammed Alam on Google


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