Cascate dell'Arzino

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cascate dell'Arzino

Address :

33020 Preone UD, Italy

Postal code : 33020
Categories :
City : Preone

33020 Preone UD, Italy
Andrea Pusinich on Google

Posto bellissimo , da andare a vedere , un percorso in mezzo la natura molto facile , più o meno è un ora di andata. Volendo , prima di arrivare verso le cascate vale la pena di andare a vedere il paesetto di Pozzis a cui giungiamo superando un guado fino a guadagnare la sponda sinistra e risalire fino alle case del borgo. Per arrivare alle cascate ,da San Francesco prendere la strada provinciale n1 della Val d’Arzino. Proseguendo per la SP1 (poco sopra l'abitato di Pozzis)trovate a sinistra prima dell' tornante ,il cartello che indica le cascate
Beautiful place, to go and see, a very easy path in the middle of nature, more or less one hour away. If desired, before arriving towards the waterfalls it is worth going to see the village of Pozzis which we reach by crossing a ford until we reach the left bank and go up to the houses of the village. To get to the waterfalls, from San Francesco take the provincial road n1 of the Val d’Arzino. Continuing along the SP1 (just above the village of Pozzis) you will find on the left before the bend, the sign indicating the waterfalls
Stefano Burello on Google

Anche d'inverno hanno il loro fascino ????????per arrivarci meglio essere attrezzati con scarpe adatte ghiaccio e neve , ma giunti sul posto la pazienza viene ripagata!?????????????????????
Even in winter they have their charm ????????to get there better be equipped with suitable ice and snow shoes, but once you get there, patience pays off! ????????????? ????????
Mariarosa Genovese on Google

Le meravigliose cascate si trovano in un angolo ancora incontaminato del Friuli.Il torrente Arzino nasce da una sorgente ai piedi del monte Teglara e in pochi metri grazie a un brusco cambio di pendenza e il fenomeno dell'erosione si tuffa in spettacolari cascate, un decorso molto suggestivo in un susseguirsi di pozze erose e salti. Grazie ad un itinerario ben tracciato se ne può seguire il decorso da cascate a torrente dalle placide acque. Trovandosi in un bosco di faggi e betulle nel periodo autunnale le cascate si accompagnano ai colori rosso gialli dorati dove fotografi scattano foto senzazionali.
The wonderful waterfalls are located in a still uncontaminated corner of Friuli.The Arzino stream comes from a source at the foot of Mount Teglara and in a few meters thanks to a sudden change in slope and the phenomenon of erosion plunges into spectacular waterfalls, a course very suggestive in a succession of eroded pools and jumps. Thanks to a well-traced itinerary, it is possible to follow its course from waterfalls to torrents of placid waters. Being in a beech and birch forest in the autumn period the waterfalls are accompanied by the golden yellow red colors where photographers take sensational photos.
Gabriel Otřísal on Google

Gigi Filippi on Google

Beautiful place
窪田恵 on Google

"Cascate dell'Arzino" is the beautiful waterfall dropping down a series of cascades.
Mateusz Kru on Google

A place to see. The whole route Tales about 3-4 hours od słów walk. There is a place to rest near the cascade. The road is suitable for walking children.
Roger Krowiak on Google

We have found this by pure chance and it was breathtaking. Beautiful waterfalls with magic colors of water. It is a hidden treasure, mostly known by local people only. On top is small parking lot, then there is walk alongside small river, which eventually transforms into magical waterfalls. It takes some time to reach bottom of it, but it's worth it. If you are around, I highly recommend to pay visit to this beauty.

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