Carpediem S.R.L.

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Carpediem S.R.L.

Address :

Corso Dante Alighieri, 326, 17021 Alassio SV, Italy

Phone : 📞 +987
Postal code : 17021
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 9AM–8:30PM
Monday 9AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–8:30PM
Thursday 9AM–8:30PM
Friday 9AM–8:30PM
Saturday 9AM–8:30PM
Categories :
City : Alassio

Corso Dante Alighieri, 326, 17021 Alassio SV, Italy
Silvia Ros on Google

La mia esperienza in questo luogo è stata pessima. Sia la signora che il signore sgarbati come nessuno che abbia mai conosciuto. Per scaricare due pezzi hanno piantanto un casino che metà basta. Il tutto senza nemmeno essere nel loro dehor. Non lamentiamoci poi se i commercianti liguri non lavorano se questa è la loro accoglienza. Non consiglio a nessuno di venirci perché rischiate solo grande arrabbiatura.
My experience in this place was very bad. Both the lady and the gentleman are rude like no one I have ever known. To download two pieces they have a mess that half is enough. All without even being in their outdoor area. Let us not complain if the Ligurian traders do not work if this is their welcome. I do not advise anyone to come there because you risk only great anger.
Rinaldo Boscetto on Google

Proprietario maleducato é dir poco, dopo averci invitato per motivi Covid a non toccare le bottiglie(peccato non indossasse la mascherina) ci invita a fare veloce in modo scortese facendo illazioni sul fatto che non poteva lasciarci soli per paura rubassimo delle bottiglie...praticamente ci ha cacciato dal negozio. Siamo rimasti sconcertati e senza parole.... Assolutamente da evitare
Rude owner is an understatement, after having invited us for Covid reasons not to touch the bottles (pity he didn't wear the mask) he invites us to hurry in a rude way by making inferences that he could not leave us alone for fear we would steal bottles ... practically kicked us out of the shop. We were baffled and speechless .... Absolutely to be avoided
Sonja Hodaj on Google

Non siamo stati accettati per bere un bicchiere di vino poiché avevamo la nostra cagnolina con noi (al guinzaglio), in modo abbastanza antipatico,ostile.
We were not accepted to have a glass of wine as we had our little dog with us (on a leash), quite unpleasant, hostile.
Erik Aller on Google

Very nice wine shop and it's also excellent for grappa. We have been coming here for years good service and excellent knowledge about the wines and grappaa. We don't have a dog which apparently can be a problem.
Tarek Askar on Google

Ksenia Korobeynikova on Google

Good wine choice, but little bit overpriced.
Neil Williams on Google

Friendly, knowledgeable. Wines and spirits for all wallets and all occasions. Highly recommended.
Sabine Hirsch on Google

Today we wanted to have a drink but were kicked out in a very unfriendly way because of the dog with us. Will never go back there!

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