Camping Union Lido Aquapark Marino

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Camping Union Lido Aquapark Marino

Address :

Via Fausta, 258, 30013 Cavallino-Treporti VE, Italy

Postal code : 30013
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Categories :
City : Cavallino Treporti
Description : Beachside campsite shaded by pine trees & adjacent to an aquapark with pools & water slides.

Via Fausta, 258, 30013 Cavallino-Treporti VE, Italy
Pierre Boezio (DOLCIVIAGGI.COM) on Google

Campeggio da 6 stelle superior... Passati diversi giorni in vari periodi, ma ogni volta e sempre una novità!! Organizzazione molto curata dalla A alla Z. Il regno per i bambini e ragazzi, ma non escludono nemmeno il top relax per gli adulti, bhe che dire...provare per tornarci e ritornarci!
6-star superior campsite ... Several days passed in various periods, but every time and always something new !! Very well-kept organization from A to Z. The kingdom for children and teenagers, but they do not even exclude the top relaxation for adults, well what to say ... try to go back and come back!
Alessandro Tosato on Google

Hi alloggiato in questo camping più volte e ogni volta è una piacevole conferma. Nello specifico ho trovato posto nel dog camp avendo un cane e devo dire che di meglio è difficile trovare. Il ristorante al borgo nella piscina dei cani è superlativo
I have stayed at this campsite several times and every time it is a pleasant confirmation. Specifically, I found a place in the dog camp having a dog and I must say that better is difficult to find. The restaurant at the village in the dog pool is superb
ref110 on Google

Etwas in die Jahre gekommener Wasserpark. Die beiden kleinen Becken erinnern an das Design vergangener Tage. Einen weiteren Stern muss ich abziehen, da das Kinderbecken nicht oder sehr wenig beheizt ist. Gerade in der Nachsaison ist es nicht schön wenn das Becken sehr schön aussieht aber viel zu kalt für Kinder ist. Das ist schade.
A little old water park. The two small basins are reminiscent of the design of days gone by. I have to subtract another star because the children's pool is not or very little heated. Especially in the off-season it is not nice when the pool looks very nice but is much too cold for children. This is a pity.
Graziano Buchholz on Google

Ein toller Wasserpark mit viel Abwechslung für Groß und Klein. Unsere Kinder hatten hier sehr viel Spaß. Sehr zu empfehlen. Der Park befindet sich auf dem Union Lido Camping Platz. Es gibt einen großen Wasserspielplatz, viele große Rutschen und 2 Wellenbecken, einmal für Groß und einmal für Klein. Die Anlage ist komplett mit super feinem Sandstrand ausgestattet.
Zoe Andrews on Google

Jhiejhien Pacardo on Google

mauriceHD0303 on Google

Very good :)
Daniele Orsoni on Google

Big fun

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