Caffe Napoli Valentino

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Caffe Napoli Valentino

Address :

Via Foria, 91, 80137 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9899
Website :
Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Foria, 91, 80137 Napoli NA, Italy
Carlo Varriale on Google

Persone accoglienti e simpatiche ottimo caffè locale piccolo ma pieno di allegria e molto pulito
Welcoming and nice people great local coffee small but full of joy and very clean
Giovanni Fontana on Google

Per assaggiare una buona crema di caffè è il posto giusto
To taste a good coffee cream this is the right place
Roberto on Google

Via Foria è una strada dove in effetti c’è “tutto”. I negozi che servono alle persone. Non poteva mancare il classico “Caffé”, piccolo ma con un caffè buono. Frequentato molto da “avvocati” per la presenza (di fronte) della sede del “giudice di pace”. La cosa divertente è che le pareti del caffè sono piene di targhe (auto) provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Regalate dai clienti e prese nei viaggi fatti in giro. Non potevano mancare i cornetti ? e le brioche. Su queste c’è tuttavia un unico piccolo “ neo” in un posto che è bello. Si deve dire al pasticcere di farle stare nel forno un poco di più. Tutto il resto da “lode”.
Via Foria is a street where in fact there is "everything". The shops that serve people. Could not miss the classic "Caffé", small but with a good coffee. Frequented a lot by "lawyers" due to the presence (in front) of the headquarters of the "justice of the peace". The funny thing is that the walls of the cafe are full of license plates (cars) from all over the world. Gifted by customers and taken on trips made around. The croissants ? and brioches could not be missing. On these, however, there is only one small "flaw" in a place that is beautiful. You have to tell the pastry chef to put them in the oven a little longer. Everything else gives "praise".
Santino Russo on Google

N 1
Lucy Veron on Google

Good ginseng coffee ❤
Danilo Valentino on Google

Excellent, I really enjoyed the place. Everything was so great, the coffee is extremely good and the aperitif was full of snacks.
Olivia Ray on Google

We asked to be surprised with an alcohol free drink and indeed it was amazing. They are absolutely nice, warm and welcoming people. Definitely recommend.
Hussain Abrar on Google

Very friendly staff, high quality of quick bites and above all the caffè is the best. I am a frequent visitor ?.

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