Bagno Rosen Beach 302 BIS Milano Marittima

4/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Bagno Rosen Beach 302 BIS Milano Marittima

Address :

X Traversa-Arenile demaniale 302 bis, 48015 Milano Marittima RA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
Categories :
City : Milano Marittima

X Traversa-Arenile demaniale 302 bis, 48015 Milano Marittima RA, Italy
Massimo Gavioli (Max) on Google

Perfetto per trascorrere giornate in spiaggia. Servizio ottimo.
Perfect for spending days at the beach. Great service.
Marino Vimercati on Google

Posto di tutto rispetto e famigliare gestito alla grande da proprietari al top.
Place respectable family and run by the great owners at the top.
Alessandro Marinoni on Google

Ho bevuto un ottimo Negroni e il personale è gentilissimo e disponibile. Anche il campari spritz merita!
I drank a very good Negroni and the staff is very kind and helpful. Campari spritz deserves too!
Nicoletta Serraino on Google

Bagno piccolo e ben organizzato, docce calde e fredde, ping pong, ottime insalate e caffè shakerato, prezzi buoni, un paio di giochi per bimbi under 6, ripostiglio giochi
Small and well-organized bathroom, hot and cold showers, table tennis, excellent salads and shaken coffee, good prices, a couple of games for children under 6, games closet
Anja Rau on Google

Den einen Stern für die nette Dame, die uns höflich erklärte, dass man keine Möglichkeit hat, die Liegen und den Schirm zu benutzen, da dies nur für ausgewählte Menschen vorgesehen ist. Am liebsten dann aber keinen einzigen Stern für den sehr unhöflichen Strandmeister der uns lange auf das Essen warten ließ und trotz nur 50%iger Belegung der Liegen uns keine mögliche Liege, für den sehr teuren Preis anbot.
The one star for the nice lady who politely explained to us that there was no way to use the loungers and the umbrella, as this was only intended for selected people. Preferably not a single star for the very rude beach master who made us wait a long time for the food and despite only 50% occupancy of the loungers we did not have a possible lounger for the very expensive price.

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