Area di Parcheggio

2.5/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Area di Parcheggio

Address :

Via Landolfo II da Carcano, 20156 Milano MI, Italy

Categories :
City : Milano

Via Landolfo II da Carcano, 20156 Milano MI, Italy
Stefano Deriu on Google

Parcheggio per adiacente cimitero maggiore
Parking for adjacent major cemetery
Сергей Петрович on Google

Высота проезда 2,0 м. Бусом не заедешь
The height of the passage is 2.0 m. You cannot use a bus
SporcoRozzoPrimitivo on Google

Buona la posizione vicino al Cimitero, però non lasciateci la macchina di notte, o rischiate di trovarvela coi vetri rotti e senza ruote.
Good location near the Cemetery, but don't leave the car at night, or risk finding it with broken glass and no wheels.
Stefano Cash on Google

Parcheggio vicino il cimitero, all'apparenza poco rassicurante ma per fortuna son state messe telecamere ad ogni ingresso.
Parking near the cemetery, apparently not very reassuring but luckily cameras were placed at every entrance.

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