Al mulino di Paolo Guzzo

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Al mulino di Paolo Guzzo

Address :

Via Lungo Busento Oberdan, 32, 87100 Cosenza CS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9789
Categories :
City : Cosenza

Via Lungo Busento Oberdan, 32, 87100 Cosenza CS, Italy
Maria Francesca Giordano on Google

Ottimo posto,cibo squisito, polpette uniche al mondo
Great place, exquisite food, unique meatballs in the world
Noemi Pacini on Google

Ci siamo tornati ben due volte nel giro del nostro soggiorno di 4 giorni a Cosenza. Merita sia il ristorante che la pizzeria. Posticino appartato e tranquillo, proprio come piace a me! Ci sono tavoli sia all'aperto che al chiuso.
We went back twice in our 4 day stay in Cosenza. It deserves both the restaurant and the pizzeria. Quiet and secluded spot, just the way I like it! There are both outdoor and indoor tables.
Claudio Urso on Google

ho mangiato benissimo buona la pizza anche le polpette
I ate very well the pizza also the meatballs
Luca Trani on Google

I'm waiting here to eat my pizza, more than a hour. I'm very frustrated, many thing on the menu were not available, because, it was Saturday. The waiter was almost joking us, very unpolite. I was told about the famous parmigiana but, also, it wasn't available for the same reasons. Here usually in Italy on Saturday the people go out to eat, to be Saturday, cannot be an excuse. Ps. The inn is half empty Edit* unpolite at the table, so here. despite that, I wasn't pretending to eat before the other costumers but, to use the oven on his full capability because as it seemed to me were ready no more than three pizzas sometimes only one. the amount of costumers didn't match the time of waiting. Anyway, on Saturday evening seems strange that, from what i eared, the cooler dish the parmigiana , wasn't available with other ingredients for the pizza. To re-evaluate the courtesy of the waiter. tricolor language (you're left at the stone age) scortesi a tavola, scortesi anche fuori. Apparte ciò, nessuno ha preteso di mangiare prima degli altri clienti, ma di ricevere il mio antipato un pò prima e di usare quel forno per la sua interezza dato che a quanto pare non uscivano più di tre pizze alla volta se non una. La quantità di tavoli non rispecchiava il tempo atteso. In più, il sabato sera mi sembra strano che, a quanto ho sentito, il piatto forte la parmigiana, non ci sia insieme ad altri igredienti per la pizza. Da rivalutare la cortesia della cameriera
I'm waiting here to eat my pizza, more than a hour. I'm very frustrated, many thing on the menu were not available, because, it was Saturday. The waiter was almost joking us, very unpolite. I was told about the famous parmigiana but, also, it wasn't available for the same reasons. Here usually in Italy on Saturday the people go out to eat, to be Saturday, cannot be an excuse. Ps. The inn is half empty Edit * unpolite at the table, so here. despite that, I wasn't pretending to eat before the other costumers but, to use the oven on his full capability because as it seemed to me were ready no more than three pizzas sometimes only one. the amount of costumers didn't match the time of waiting. Anyway, on Saturday evening seems strange that, from what i eared, the cooler dish the parmigiana, wasn't available with other ingredients for the pizza. To re-evaluate the courtesy of the waiter. tricolor language (you're left at the stone age) rude at the table, rude even outside. Apart from that, no one pretended to eat before the other customers, but to receive my dislike a little earlier and to use that oven in its entirety since apparently no more than three pizzas came out at a time if not one. The amount of tables did not reflect the expected time. In addition, on Saturday evening it seems strange to me that, from what I have heard, the main dish, the Parmigiana, is not present together with other ingredients for pizza. To reassess the courtesy of the waitress
Bryan Jason on Google

buonasera,vorrei iniziare col dire che il servizio lasciava molto a desiderare partendo dall'ora di attesa per ricevere soltanto l'antipasto che devo ammettere non era niente male,il più grande disagio si è presentato con l'arrivo dei primi e dei secondi, sapori insipidi ma la cosa più insipida a parer mio sono i prezzi del fantastico fritto misto che tanto misto non era data la presenza di solo anelli e acciughe tra l'altro dalle quantità deludenti ,per non parlare della grigliata mista anche essa deludente visto il prezzo e la pasta dal sapore amaro, immangiabile,per il resto la pizza era abbastanza buona,forse una delle poche portate che si potevano definire "passabili"
good evening, I would like to start by saying that the service left a lot to be desired starting from the waiting time to receive only the appetizer which I must admit was not bad, the biggest inconvenience came with the arrival of the first and second courses, tasteless flavors but the most insipid thing in my opinion are the prices of the fantastic mixed fried fish that was not so mixed with the presence of only rings and anchovies among other things with disappointing quantities, not to mention the mixed grill which is also disappointing given the price and the bitter-tasting, inedible pasta, otherwise the pizza was quite good, perhaps one of the few courses that could be defined as "passable"

Qualità del cibo discreta, servizio molto molto lento nonostante le poche persone presenti (solo sei tavoli) e l'ottimo servizio ai tavoli (molto brava la cameriera). Atmosfera discreta. Prezzo nella norma. La cosa forse più antipatica (lo si capiva anche dalle recensioni) e il non accettare critiche (che potrebbero essere costruttive) e nel pensare so tutto io......... Ci penserei due volte a ritornare con o senza offerte di the fork........buon lavoro.
Fair quality of food, very very slow service despite the few people present (only six tables) and the excellent service at the tables (very good waitress). Discreet atmosphere. Price in the norm. Perhaps the most unpleasant thing (it was also clear from the reviews) is not accepting criticisms (which could be constructive) and in thinking I know everything ......... I would think twice about returning with or without offers the fork ........ good job.
Davide Filia on Google

Ho preso una fiorentina, ma in realtà non c'era traccia ne di filetto ne di controfiletto, forse nemmeno una costata, credo una lombata (peccato non aver fatto una foto) per di più nemmeno carne di qualità. La lamentela è stata quella che la carne era stata contaminata in cottura da altri tagli, infatti sapeva di salsiccia, il proprietario ha sostenuto che era così la carne di razza podolica... mah, convinto lui.... Inoltre ho preso tartufo di pizzo alla nocciola, arrivato trancio di gelato alla nocciola (vedere foto), per di più coperto da cristalli di ghiaccio su un lato, quindi non conservato bene... Lasciato per più di 3/4 nel piatto, "ovviamente" fatto pagare... Non vale nemmeno per quanto pagato con the fork al 50% Decisamente no!
I took a Florentine steak, but in reality there was no trace of tenderloin or sirloin, perhaps not even a rib, I think a sirloin (pity not having taken a photo), moreover not even quality meat. The complaint was that the meat had been contaminated in cooking by other cuts, in fact it tasted like sausage, the owner claimed that it was the Podolica breed meat ... well, convinced him .... I also took hazelnut lace truffle, a slice of hazelnut ice cream arrived (see photo), moreover covered with ice crystals on one side, so not well preserved ... Left for more than 3/4 on the plate, "obviously" charged ... Not even true for what paid with the fork at 50% Definitely no!
Vincenzo Pizzini on Google

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