Acciaierie d'Italia - 74123 Taranto TA

1.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Acciaierie d'Italia

Address :

Italy, 74123 Taranto TA, Via Appia SS km 648,Acciaierie d'Italia

Postal code : 648
Website :
Categories :

Italy, 74123 Taranto TA, Via Appia SS km 648,Acciaierie d'Italia
Antimo Danilo Rondinone on Google

Non è proprio un bel vedere però molte persone vivono di questo
It is not really a pretty sight, but many people live off this
maddalena cifarelli on Google

Se l'italia avesse a cuore la salute pubblica questa fabbrica sarebbe chiusa da tempo e i lavoratori impegnati in una seria riconversione.
If Italy had public health at heart, this factory would have been closed for some time and the workers engaged in a serious conversion.
Andrea Palumbo on Google

Per quanto dispiaccia dirlo, per quanto vorrei che fosse l'esatto opposto, quando metto piede fuori dalla città mi vergogno di dire il posto dal quale arrivo. Questa è una delle principali, se non la principale, causa.
As sorry as I am to say it, as much as I wish it were the exact opposite, when I set foot outside the city I am ashamed to say where I am coming from. This is a major, if not the main, cause.
Alessandro Marescotti on Google

Ci sono stato qui per solidarietà con Riccardo Cristello, un lavoratore licenziato da ArcelorMittal Italia dopo aver condiviso un post di Facebook che invitava a vedere la fiction "Svegliati amore mio".
I was here in solidarity with Riccardo Cristello, a worker fired by ArcelorMittal Italy after sharing a Facebook post inviting you to see the fiction "Wake up my love".
Marco Tira on Google

domi on Google

very sad :-(
Suoni di Bologna on Google

This is the worst nightmare of Taranto citizens. Ilva has distributed poisons in the air and ground of the city for decades in the most total impunity. It caused the death of thousands among workers and citizens. It should be closed but big economic interests and political collusion prevent it.
Familia Milarch pelo Mundo on Google

They were trying to do the best for the Taranto region, would be invested more than 2 billions on enviromental improvements, part of it already spent.. but the italian government is messy and change your policies all the time.. there is no way to run a plant with this kind of uncertainty..

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