Tourist Information Office Palermo

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Contact Tourist Information Office Palermo

Address :

Via Principe di Belmonte, 92, 90100 Palermo PA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9987
Website :
Categories :
City : Palermo

Via Principe di Belmonte, 92, 90100 Palermo PA, Italy
Tifanny Laloy on Google

De passage à Palerme pour une semaine, on voulait se débrouille seul... Mais c'est très difficile de trouver les bus et les endroits où acheter des tickets pour le bus et de trouver des lieux... Tout enfaîte. On a décider de pousser cette porte pour trouver de l'aide. Le personnel est très gentil et nous accueil avec le sourire. La personne nous aide pour aller à Mondello et à Monte Pellegrino ainsi que les bâtiments incontournable. Merci beaucoup.
Passing through Palermo for a week, we wanted to manage on our own ... But it's very difficult to find buses and places to buy tickets for the bus and find places ... Everything hurts. We decided to push this door to find help. The staff is very kind and welcomes us with a smile. The person helps us to go to Mondello and Monte Pellegrino as well as the essential buildings. Thank you so much.
Maxime DUPRAT on Google

nous n'avons pas pu rentrer aux palais des normands à 16h30 alors que nous avions regarde les horaires sur les guides. D'après le guide à l'entrée pour cause de mariage. C'est inacceptable de refouler des touristes pour un mariage privé dans un lieu aussi touristique.
we were unable to return to the Norman palaces at 4.30 p.m. even though we had looked at the timetables on the guides. According to the guide at the entrance due to marriage. It is unacceptable to turn back tourists for a private wedding in such a touristy place.
Hardo 3v on Google

Personale gentile, purtroppo, però, ho ricevuto solo informazioni superficiali, una mappa non aggiornata e alla richiesta di informazioni aggiuntive non mi hanno saputo rispondere e mi hanno rimandato al link del sito web. Non mi piace criticare il lavoro altrui, tuttavia credo che sia utile anche per loro ricevere un riscontro su come migliorare nell'accoglienza del turista.
Kind staff, unfortunately, however, I received only superficial information, an outdated map and to the request for additional information they were unable to answer me and sent me back to the website link. I don't like to criticize the work of others, however I think it is also useful for them to receive feedback on how to improve in welcoming tourists.
welt-sehenerleben on Google

Wer Sizilien besucht muss Palermo sehen. Die Sizilianer lieben Palermo oder sie hassen es. So geht es auch mir und meiner Reisebegleitung. Entweder will man sofort wieder weg oder man lässt sie gewähren. Sie ist eine bissige, hektische Diva genauso wie eine elegante und prächtige Schönheit.
Anyone visiting Sicily must see Palermo. The Sicilians love Palermo or they hate it. It is the same for me and my travel companion. Either you want to leave immediately or you let them go. She is a snappy, hectic diva as well as an elegant and gorgeous beauty.
Daniela Innocentini on Google

mi sembra inconcepibile che un servizio turistico in una città così importante sia chiuso il sabato e la domenica anche nei punti di maggior affluenza, ho trovato due sedi entrambe chiuse.
it seems inconceivable to me that a tourist service in such an important city is closed on Saturdays and Sundays even in the points of greatest turnout, I found two offices both closed.
z Krajcar on Google

25.02 2022 kao turisti posjetili smo ured u potrazi za informacijama.gospođa nas je uputila da posjetimo PALAZZO ZISA .pola smo dana putovali do njega kroz hrpe smeća i ogromne količine izmeta po cestama .kad smo stigli do ZISE bila je zatvorena a park oko nje obrastao u metar trave. Upitali smo gospođu ako postoji shuttle bus koji vozi po centru o kojemu smo čitali, i rekla je da ne postoji više.slijedeći dan smo se vozili u njemu i smijali se sa šoferom kad smo mu pričali o tome . Uglavnom, ured je kontraproduktivan ako Palermo želi biti turistička destinacija.Subotom i nedjeljom zatvoreno.Žalosno. Žalosno.
25.02 2022 as tourists we visited the office in search of information.Mrs. in a meter of grass. We asked the lady if there was a shuttle bus that drove around the center we were reading about, and she said it didn’t exist anymore. The next day we rode in it and laughed with the driver when we told him about it. Basically, the office is counterproductive if Palermo wants to be a tourist destination. Closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Sad. Sorry.
Yeon L on Google

Most useful information center in Sicily. Take map and ask about what you want to know. But you should be know about Sicily it’s worth.
Doram Jacoby on Google

The staff were very friendly and helpful, spoke English well and gave us plenty of information on public transport. The is a small office in the theatre itself and uses a side entrance.

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