tour service

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact tour service

Address :

Via Don Leonardo Zangara 27, Via Segesta, 206, 91014 Castellammare del Golfo TP, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988889
Postal code : 91014
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City : Castellammare Del Golfo

Via Don Leonardo Zangara 27, Via Segesta, 206, 91014 Castellammare del Golfo TP, Italy
Andrea on Google

Il prezzo più basso di tutta Castellammare e un ottimo servizio. Abbiamo noleggiato un 40cv mezza giornata ed é stato a dir poco fantastico! Il personale é stato gentile ed ha avuto pazienza nello spiegarci tutto molto bene. Volendo cercare il pelo sull'uovo la barca non era nuovissima mentre in porto ce ne sono di più recenti, ma appunto con un prezzo basso va più che bene!
The lowest price in all of Castellammare and an excellent service. We rented a 40hp half day and it was nothing short of fantastic! The staff was kind and had patience in explaining everything very well. Wanting to look for the fur on the egg the boat was not brand new while in port there are more recent ones, but precisely with a low price it is more than good!
Luisa Morani on Google

TRUFFA STATE ALLA LARGA DA QUESTI DISONESTI purtroppo non avevo letto le recesioni Apparentemente è il più economico delle altre ditte di noleggio, le altre chiedono €100 per la giornata intera mentre la ditta tour service €60. La barca in pessime condizioni, vecchia e non funzionante, sporca e senza alcuna protezione. La scaletta era rotta e il motore si fermava ogni 10 minuti. Abbiamo subito chiamato ci ha risposto la signorina molto sgarbata e poco professionale dicendoci che non potevano aiutarci perché non avevano mezzi disponibili. Siamo rientrati dopo 1 ora, non ci hanno restituito l'importo versato e in più ci hanno fatto pagare €15 di benzina( mancavano circa 4 litri). Sconsigliatissimo
SCAM YOU HAVE BEEN AWAY FROM THESE DISCUSSIONS unfortunately I had not read the reviews Apparently it is the cheapest of the other rental companies, the others ask for € 100 for the whole day while the tour company € 60. The boat in poor condition, old and not working, dirty and without any protection. The ladder was broken and the engine stopped every 10 minutes. We immediately called the young lady, very rude and unprofessional, telling us that they could not help us because they had no means available. We returned after 1 hour, they did not return the amount paid and in addition they charged us € 15 of gasoline (about 4 liters were missing). Sconsigliatissimo
guido cloos on Google

Noleggiato uno scooter, un kimco agility 125 mi hanno dato un pezzo di ferro e plastica semidistrutti,sicurezza di marcia zero,tirava a sinistra,senza più ammortizzatori, gomme secche ormai indurite indicatore del carburante rotto,un vero più alla mia domanda di sostituzione mi hanno proposto altri due rottami,uno peggio dell'altro.riguardo all'igiene in merito al casco ,visto soprattutto il periodo,parliamo di luglio 2021 mi hanno detto che erano "sanificati"da loro,lo hanno preso da una cassapanca in mezzo ad altri 20 e me lo hanno dato l'ho disinfettato da solo con uno spray...quando l'ho restituito lo hanno ributtato dentro la stessa cassapanca in Mezzo agli altri...poi chiedono la mascherina...insomma il noleggio scooter è da evitare assolutamente se nn si vuole rischiare di farsi Male rovinandosi le vacanze...per le barche che noleggiano nn so dare info xchè nn ne ho noleggiata ma se tanto mi dà tanto...stare alla larga.
Rented a scooter, a kimco agility 125 they gave me a piece of semi-destroyed iron and plastic, zero drive safety, pulled left, no more shock absorbers, dry tires now hardened fuel gauge broken, a real danger. they offered me two more pieces of scrap, one worse than the other. with regard to hygiene regarding the helmet, especially given the period, we are talking about July 2021 they told me that they were "sanitized" by them, they took it from a chest in the midst of 20 others and they gave it to me I disinfected it by myself with a spray ... when I returned it they threw it back into the same chest in the middle of the others ... then they ask for the mask ... in short the Scooter rental is to be avoided absolutely if you don't want to risk getting hurt by ruining your holidays ... for the boats that rent I don't know how to give info because I haven't rented any but if it gives me so much ... stay away.
Silvia on Google

MALEDUCAZIONE Al momento della prenotazione abbiamo ricevuto informazioni sbagliate per cui poi saremmo andati a pagare potenzialmente di più... nonostante la loro palese mancanza, ci hanno comunque trattato con arroganza... almeno scusarsi con i clienti per le errate informazioni fornite, sarebbe il minimo.
RUDENESS At the time of booking we received wrong information so then we would have gone to potentially pay more ... despite their obvious lack, they still treated us with arrogance ... at least apologizing to customers for the incorrect information provided, would be the minimum .

Peccato non aver letto le recensioni prima.... Assolutamente da evitare per maleducazione e disonestà. Allettati dal basso prezzo (60 euro per tutto il giorno) alla riconsegna del mezzo, ci vengono richiesti 27 euro per il carburante. Ho subito contestato in quanto non ci era stato detto prima di prendere l'imbarcazione, e ho aggiunto che in tutti gli altri noleggi a cui mi sono rivolto presso altre località (dalle Tremiti ad Amalfi) il carburante è sempre incluso nella tariffa. Comunque pago seppur malvolentieri, attendo di ricevere lo scontrino o la fattura, ma con fare arrogante da 2 soldi, afferma che non sono tenuti a darmi niente perché la somma si intende a titolo di rimborso spese (di che?)
Too bad I haven't read the reviews before .... Absolutely to be avoided for rudeness and dishonesty. Attracted by the low price (60 euros for the whole day) upon returning the vehicle, we are asked for 27 euros for fuel. I immediately objected as we had not been told before taking the boat, and I added that in all the other rentals I have turned to at other locations (from Tremiti to Amalfi) fuel is always included in the rate. However, I pay albeit reluctantly, I wait to receive the receipt or the invoice, but with arrogant 2 sous, he states that they are not required to give me anything because the sum is intended as a reimbursement of expenses (of what?)
Philipp Makowitz on Google

Ein junger Mitarbeiter hat uns angeleitet (sehr gutes Englisch)und nach 10 Minuten konnten wir selbstständig das Boot steuern. Als uns die Zeit zu kurz war haben einfach angerufen und verlängert. 10.30 - 17.00 90 Euro inkl. Benzin für einen unvergesslichen Trip sind angemessen finde ich. Delphine und fliegende Fische inbegriffen. Grazie.
A young employee guided us (very good English) and after 10 minutes we were able to steer the boat independently. When the time was too short for us we just called and extended. 10.30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 90 euros including gasoline are appropriate for an unforgettable trip. Dolphins and flying fish included. Grace.
Sebastien Morel on Google

Boat rent. Received a good explanation and demo ride. Boat is ok. We had a very lovely day. We paid 60euro in low season and 20euro for the fuel. Measured when you return. Price is 2,15euro/L. They require an ID/passport/drivers license as warranty so choose what you leave behind. All was ok. Fair people so can recommend them!
Claudia PT on Google

We hired a boat for 4 hours (2pm - 6pm). We didn‘t have many experience. So, we paid 70 Euro for this time. Maybe you will get it cheaper when you have more know-how. For the first time it was ok for us. BUT: there was an unsecured pillow at the seatbank. Its very windy on the water. So we lost it. In the end we had to pay 80 Euro additionally. The boss told us that a other guy in the harbor stitch this pillows for the boats. They told us that it happen often. So, why they can‘t fix this pillow like all other stuff on the boat?!? They know how to rip off the people. The two stars are just for the friendly guy who gave us the good instruction!

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