Sarma Auto

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sarma Auto

Address :

Via Lainate, 98, 20017 Rho MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99997
Postal code : 20017
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City : Rho

Via Lainate, 98, 20017 Rho MI, Italy
Cristiano Colombo on Google

Pessima officina, triage inesistente, accoglienza molto fariginosa preventivi poco trasparenti e post assistenza inesistente, State alla larga. Prezzi esorbitanti
Bad workshop, non-existent triage, very confusing reception not very transparent quotes and non-existent post assistance, Stay away. Exorbitant prices
angelo ringoli on Google

Impeccabile, perfetta come un orologio svizzero, nata per correre ed ascoltare musica qualitativamente elevata, insonorizzazione senza precedenti, accellerazione in modalità sport da far invidiare le sorelle per essere un 3 cilindri 1500 cc. Insomma, un sogno che si è avverato. Ovviamente il tutto grazie a Samuel e colleghi.
Impeccable, perfect as a Swiss watch, born to run and listen to high quality music, unprecedented soundproofing, acceleration in sport mode to make the sisters envy for being a 1500cc 3-cylinder. In short, a dream that has come true. Obviously all thanks to Samuel and colleagues.
Michele Taliercio on Google

Sono andato da loro alla ricerca di una auto nuova in pronta consegna. E' stata una ottima esperienza: ambiente pulito e curato, personale disponibile e gentile. In particolare mi sono interfacciato con Samuel, uno dei loro venditori. Molto bravo: ho trovato non solo cordialità e disponibilità, ma anche competenza tecnica. E' riuscito ad aiutarmi in tutto: dal trovare il veicolo giusto (BMW X1 x25e), al fare una proposta molto competitiva, alla precisa presentazione della vettura al momento della consegna. Ottima esperienza. Se vi interessa una BMW e siete della zona, andate a visitarli.
I went to them looking for a new car ready for delivery. It was a great experience: clean and well-kept environment, helpful and kind staff. In particular, I interfaced with Samuel, one of their salesmen. Very good: I found not only friendliness and availability, but also technical competence. He managed to help me in everything: from finding the right vehicle (BMW X1 x25e), to making a very competitive proposal, to the precise presentation of the car at the time of delivery. Great experience. If you are interested in a BMW and you are from the area, go and visit them.
Lucio Mombelli on Google

Ottimo trattamento, tenuto conto che è una concessionaria BMW, dove in altre concessionarie sembrava gli dessi fastidio. Venditore moto molto disponibile e competente. Se dovessi avere bisogno, pur avendola fuori di casa a Busto Arsizio, andrei alla concessionaria di Rho.
Excellent treatment, considering that it is a BMW dealership, where in other dealerships it seemed to bother him. Very helpful and competent motorcycle seller. If I need to, even if I have it out of the house in Busto Arsizio, I would go to the dealership in Rho.

Concessionario BMW, MINI, BMWMOTOROAD sito a.Rho (Mi), in via Lainate al 98.'Hanno una.bella officina diretta da personale qualificato e disponibile. Anche se potevo usufruire di altri punti service piu vicini ho preferito affidarmi alla Sarma Bmw di Rho per sentito dire, ma anche per la presenza.nello staff di Andrea il responsabile Officina che conobbi in passato in altro centro Bmw e di cui ebbi la possibilitá di apprezzare professionalità e preparazione, oltre all'estrema disponibilità. L'officina è molto curata e direi che da Sarma la tua auto verrà sicuramente coccolata.Se necessario per evitare costi inutili ti accompagneranno alla vicina.stazione.La Sarma si raggiunge da Milano con la Tangenziale Ovest direzione Torino uscita Rho-Legnano, a soli 3Km dall'uscita tangenziale, entrati nella via Lainate dalla Via.Sempione .Tra le foto trovi anche gli orari di apertura.I prezzi sono Bmw ma a seconda del modello e dell'anno di acquisto, il personale ti indicherà certamente la tua soluzione migliore . dai 4 anni in su provare l'offerta oil inclusive fino a fine.Novembre che.risulta molto economica e comunque il Servizio di Valore Bmw .Passate non ve ne pentirete.A3/4 d'ora da Milano via.tangenziale Ovest, 3/4 d'ora.da Motta Visconti e.meno da Abbiategrasso.Trovate in sede anche Moto Bmw nuove ed usate e.service motoroad. In english BMW, MINI, BMWMOTOROAD dealer located in Rho (Mi), in via Lainate at 98. 'They have a beautiful workshop run by qualified and available personnel. Even if I could take advantage of other nearest service points, I preferred to rely on Sarma Bmw in Rho for hearsay, but also for the presence in the staff of Andrea the workshop manager whom I met in the past in another BMW center and of which I had the possibility appreciate professionalism and preparation, as well as extreme availability. The workshop is very well maintained and I would say that your car will certainly be pampered at Sarma. If necessary, to avoid unnecessary costs, they will accompany you to the nearby station. Sarma can be reached from Milan with the Tangenziale Ovest towards Turin exit Rho-Legnano, just 3Km from the ring road exit, enter via Lainate from Via.Sempione. Among the photos you will also find the opening hours.The prices are BMW but depending on the model and year of purchase, the staff will certainly indicate your best solution . For cars aged 4 and up, try the oil inclusive offer until the end of November which is very cheap and in any case the BMW Value Service. Pass by you will not regret it. 3/4 hours from Milan via.tangenziale Ovest , 3/4 of an hour. From Motta Visconti and less from Abbiategrasso. You can also find new and used Bmw Motorcycles and motorbike services.
BMW, MINI, BMWMOTOROAD dealer located in Rho (Mi), in via Lainate at 98. 'They have a beautiful workshop run by qualified and available personnel. Even if I could take advantage of other nearest service points, I preferred to rely on Sarma Bmw in Rho for hearsay, but also for the presence in the staff of Andrea, the workshop manager whom I met in the past in another BMW center and of whom I had the opportunity to appreciate professionalism and preparation, as well as extreme availability. The workshop is very well cared for and I would say that your car will certainly be pampered at Sarma. If necessary, to avoid unnecessary costs, they will accompany you to the nearby station. Sarma can be reached from Milan with the Tangenziale Ovest towards Turin, exit Rho-Legnano, just 3Km from the ring road exit, enter via Lainate from Via.Sempione. Among the photos you will also find the opening hours.The prices are BMW but depending on the model and year of purchase, the staff will certainly indicate your best solution . For cars from 4 years old, try the oil inclusive offer until the end of November which is very cheap and in any case the BMW Value Service. Pass by you will not regret it. 3/4 hours from Milan via.tangenziale Ovest , 3/4 of an hour. From Motta Visconti and less from Abbiategrasso. You will also find new and used Bmw Motorcycles and motorcycles and services. In english BMW, MINI, BMWMOTOROAD dealer located in Rho (Mi), in via Lainate at 98. 'They have a beautiful workshop run by qualified and available personnel. Even if I could take advantage of other nearest service points, I preferred to rely on Sarma Bmw in Rho for hearsay, but also for the presence in the staff of Andrea the workshop manager whom I met in the past in another BMW center and of which I had the possibility appreciate professionalism and preparation, as well as extreme availability. The workshop is very well maintained and I would say that your car will certainly be pampered at Sarma. If necessary, to avoid unnecessary costs, they will accompany you to the nearby station. Sarma can be reached from Milan with the Tangenziale Ovest towards Turin exit Rho-Legnano, just 3Km from the ring road exit, enter via Lainate from Via.Sempione. Among the photos you will also find the opening hours. The prices are BMW but depending on the model and year of purchase, the staff will certainly indicate your best solution. For cars aged 4 and up, try the oil inclusive offer until the end of November which is very cheap and in any case the BMW Value Service. Pass by you will not regret it. 3/4 hours from Milan via.tangenziale Ovest, 3/4 of an hour. From Motta Visconti and less from Abbiategrasso. You can also find new and used Bmw Motorcycles and motorbike services.
antonio liso on Google

Sono entrato per avere un preventivo su un auto, all’accoglienza una ragazza gentilissima mi dice di attendere qualche minuto per il venditore che era seduto a guardare il pc ( non aveva clienti) si avvicina dopo una quindicina di minuti dicendomi che per avere un preventivo devo prenotare un appuntamento… sono d’accordo che bisogna prende un appuntamento, ma non capisco perché mi ha fatto aspettare così tanto per dirmelo. Purtroppo devo dare una stella al venditore. Distinti saluti
I went to get a quote on a car, a very kind reception girl told me to wait a few minutes for the seller who was sitting watching the computer (had no customers) approaches after fifteen minutes telling me to get a quote I have to book an appointment ... I agree that we must make an appointment, but do not understand why did I wait so long to tell me. Unfortunately I have to give one star to the seller. Best regards
Luca M on Google

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Lubomir Unar on Google

On a trip to France, the outside temperature sensor on our M550i broke. On an unannounced visit, the service technician immediately took care of a quick repair. We resumed driving an hour later. Professional approach, thank you!

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