Pronto Soccorso

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Contact Pronto Soccorso

Address :

Via Dottore Guido Pellico, 88049 Soveria Mannelli CZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9987
Postal code : 88049
Website :
Categories :
City : Soveria Mannelli

Via Dottore Guido Pellico, 88049 Soveria Mannelli CZ, Italy
Antonio Tosti on Google

Il pronto soccorso dell'ospedale del repentino, è stato completamente ristrutturato e rinnovato, dotato delle necessarie tecnologie diagnostiche per poter assolvere ai bisogni sanitari di urgenza.
The emergency room of the hospital of the sudden, has been completely restructured and renewed, equipped with the necessary diagnostic technologies to be able to fulfill the urgent health needs.

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