Presepe napoletano di Cantone & Costabile

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Presepe napoletano di Cantone & Costabile

Address :

Via Benedetto Croce, 38, 80134 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9898
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City : Napoli

Via Benedetto Croce, 38, 80134 Napoli NA, Italy
Sicomunicazione News on Google

Una bottega che riporta indietro nel tempo. Statue meravigliose, ben diverse da quelle spesso visto in tv che ritraggono personaggi famosi, tutte stile 700esco napoletano.
A shop that takes you back in time. Wonderful statues, very different from those often seen on TV that portray famous people, all of the Neapolitan 18th century style.
Corinna Fontanarosa on Google

I pastori esposti in questo negozio sono vere opere d'arte. Curati nei minimi dettagli, riescono ad esprimere un'emozione che sembra reale. Fa sempre piacere vedere che qualcuno porta alta la bandiare della tradizione presepiale napoletana!
The shepherds exposed in this shop are true works of art. Attentive to the smallest details, they manage to express an emotion that seems real. It's always nice to see that someone brings high the banishment of the Neapolitan crib tradition!
Azzurra Viscione on Google

Bottega di arte presepiale in cui con passione vengono creati personaggi unici nel loro genere. Sono entrata nella bottega e sono stata rapita dal fascino di tanta bellezza dei pastori e presepi, che con maestria, prendono vita dalle loro mani. Complimenti!
Crib Art Workshop in which unique characters are created with passion. I entered the shop and was captivated by the charm of so much beauty of the shepherds and nativity scenes, which masterfully come to life from their hands. Congratulations!
Claudia Petraglia on Google

Bottega di arte presepiale nel cuore del centro storico di Napoli. La cura dei dettagli, l'utilizzo di materiale pregiato e tanta passione e competenza rendono i loro prodotti delle vere e proprie opere d'arte. In un mondo dove tutto è fatto in serie la Bottega Cantone e Costabile va controcorrente poichè ogni statuetta è interamente fatta a mano assicurando una qualità ormai rara.
Nativity scene workshop in the heart of the historic center of Naples. The attention to detail, the use of precious materials and a lot of passion and competence make their products real works of art. In a world where everything is done in series, the Bottega Cantone e Costabile goes against the tide as each statue is entirely handmade, ensuring a rare quality.
Eduardo Manes on Google

Ho a casa mia diverse delle loro opere. Tutte fatte con la massima cura. La ricerca dei particolari e del rispetto delle proporzioni rende ognuna di esse un'opera d'arte. Ma del resto non li sto scoprendo io. Parlano per loro i posti in cui hanno esposto i loro presepi.
I have several of their works in my house. All made with the utmost care. The search for details and respect for proportions makes each of them a work of art. But besides, I'm not discovering them. The places where they exposed their cribs speak for them.
Matteo Coppola on Google

Questa mattina siamo stati nel vostro negozio...che dire Bottega delle meraviglie. La consiglio perché a mio parere è l'unica che riesce a Trasmettere aria di Natale e tutto ciò è semplicemente "STUPENDO". Complimenti !!
This morning we were in your shop ... what to say ..the Wonder Shop. I recommend it because in my opinion it is the only one that can transmit Christmas air and all this is simply "GORGEOUS". Congratulations !!
Valerio Neri on Google

Qui si trova originalità e alta qualità... Davvero oggetti unici e particolari. Un negozio ricco di tesori per chi ama l'arte dei presepi napoletana e tutto ciò che ne fa parte... Meravigliose scenografie che fanno illuminare gli occhi! E poi pastori, cherubini, attrezzi da lavoro, tutto rigorosamente fatto a mano! Penso proprio che ci tornerò :)
Here is originality and high quality ... Truly unique and particular objects. A shop full of treasures for those who love the art of Neapolitan nativity scenes and everything that is part of it ... Wonderful scenographies that make your eyes light up! And then shepherds, cherubs, work tools, all strictly handmade! I really think I'll be back :)
Beate Appelt on Google

Posso solo mettere in guardia contro un ordine Internet. Il produttore afferma di poter creare qualsiasi figura della dimensione desiderata. Tuttavia, questo non è il caso. Le figure di solito hanno teste troppo grandi. Le mani e il corpo sono di scarsa qualità insuperabile. Il fornitore desidera un lungo pagamento anticipato senza corrispettivo. In caso di reclamo e richiesta di miglioramento dell'opera, le spese di spedizione erano a mio carico, anche se la colpa è del produttore. Dopo lunghe discussioni sul miglioramento delle statue, il venditore le conserva per coprire le spese di spedizione. Ho equiparato questo a un deliberato inganno. Farò a meno di questo commerciante, poiché qui vengono fatte solo promesse vuote. Si vedono solo le banconote e non il cliente. Questa azienda è lontana dalla carità cristiana e il cliente è il re. Il settimo comandamento: non rubare o imbrogliare. I can only discourage from ordering at this shop online. The manufacturer claims to make each figure in the desired size, but that's not true. The figures have heads, hands and bodies that are too large and are of very poor quality. You can't beat that bad quality. The provider wants prepayments for the figures without working on the ordered figures for several weeks. In the event of a complaint and my request to improve the figures, I was left with the shipping costs. Even though the fault lies with the manufacturer. After long discussions on how to improve the figures, the manufacturer withheld accessories that I had already paid to cover shipping costs. For me this is a deliberate fraud. I will never order here again, because promises are not kept. Likewise, the manufacturer does not focus on the happiness of the customer, she only sees his banknotes. The company is far from Christian charity and the guiding principle “the customer is king”. The 7th commandment says: "You shall not steal and cheat". Ich kann nur vor einer Internetbestellung warnen. Der Hersteller behauptet, er könne jede Figur der gewünschten Größe herstellen. Dies ist jedoch nicht der Fall. Figuren haben meist zu große Köpfe. Die Hände und der Körper sind in einer sehr schlechten Qualität. Der Lieferant wünscht sich eine lange Vorauszahlung ohne Gegenleistung. Im Falle einer Reklamation und eines Antrags auf Verbesserung der Arbeit gingen die Versandkosten auf meine Kosten, auch wenn der Fehler beim Hersteller liegt. Nach langen Diskussionen über die Verbesserung der Statuen behält der Verkäufer diese, um seine Versandkosten zu decken. Ich habe dies mit absichtlicher Täuschung gleichgesetzt. Ich werde auf diesen Händler verzichten, da hier nur leere Versprechungen gemacht werden. Es werden nur die Banknoten gesehen und nicht der Kunde. Diese Firma ist weit entfernt von christlicher Nächstenliebe und der Kunde ist König. Siebtes Gebot: Du sollst nicht stehlen oder betrügen.
I can only warn against an Internet order. The manufacturer claims that he can create any figure of the desired size. However, this is not the case. Figures usually have overly large heads. The hands and body are of unsurpassed poor quality. The supplier wants a long upfront payment without consideration. In the event of a complaint and request for improvement of the work, the shipping costs were at my expense, even if the fault lies with the manufacturer. After lengthy discussions on improving the statues, the seller keeps them to cover shipping costs. I equated this with deliberate deception. I will do without this trader, as only empty promises are made here. Only the banknotes are seen and not the customer. This company is far from Christian charity and the customer is king. The seventh commandment: do not steal or cheat. I can only discourage from ordering at this shop online. The manufacturer claims to make each figure in the desired size, but that's not true. The figures have heads, hands and bodies that are too large and are of very poor quality. You can't beat that bad quality. The provider wants prepayments for the figures without working on the ordered figures for several weeks. In the event of a complaint and my request to improve the figures, I was left with the shipping costs. Even though the fault lies with the manufacturer. After long discussions on how to improve the figures, the manufacturer withheld accessories that I had already paid to cover shipping costs. For me this is a deliberate fraud. I will never order here again, because promises are not kept. Likewise, the manufacturer does not focus on the happiness of the customer, she only sees his banknotes. The company is far from Christian charity and the guiding principle "the customer is king". The 7th commandment says: "You shall not steal and cheat". Ich kann nur vor einer Internetbestellung warnen. Der Hersteller behauptet, er könne jede Figur der gewünschten Größe herstellen. Dies ist jedoch nicht der Fall. Figuren haben meist zu große Köpfe. Die Hände und der Körper sind in einer sehr schlechten Qualität. Der Lieferant wünscht sich eine lange Vorauszahlung ohne Gegenleistung. Im Falle einer Reklamation und eines Antrags auf Verbesserung der Arbeit gingen die Versandkosten auf meine Kosten, auch wenn der Fehler beim Hersteller liegt. Nach langen Diskussionen über die Verbesserung der Statuen behält der Verkäufer diese, um seine Versandkosten zu decken. Ich habe dies mit absichtlicher Täuschung gleichgesetzt. Ich werde auf diesen Händler verzichten, from hier nur leere Versprechungen gemacht werden. Es werden nur die Banknoten gesehen und nicht der Kunde. Diese Firma ist weit entfernt von christlicher Nächstenliebe und der Kunde ist König. Siebtes Gebot: Du sollst nicht stehlen oder betrügen.

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