Pignone's park - Pignone's park

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pignone's park

Address :

Fiume Adda, Italy

Categories :
City : Fiume Adda

Fiume Adda, Italy
Riccardo#10 on Google

Una bella scoperta. Ideale per un giro in bici con sosta pic nic
A nice discovery. Ideal for a bike ride with a picnic stop
Elia Brambilla on Google

Luogo incantevole, ove flora e fauna sono in simbiosi. Avolte chi stona in questo ambiente sono le persone maleducate, non curanti né di flora e fauna.
Enchanting place, where flora and fauna are in symbiosis. Sometimes those who are out of place in this environment are rude people, not caring about flora and fauna.
Luigi Moreno on Google

Ottimo parco in riva al fiume Adda dove è possibile prendere il sole e fare picnic.
Excellent park on the banks of the Adda river where you can sunbathe and have picnics.
Marti Tresoldi on Google

ottimo parco per picnic e grigliate (c'è la griglia) molto spazioso e perfetto per stare in compagnia, anche se in pochi ;) ps. per arrivare non seguite il navigatore ma passate da cassano e fate 5 minuti a piedi
great park for picnics and barbecues (there is a grill) very spacious and perfect for socializing, even if only a few;) ps. to get there, do not follow the navigator but pass by Cassano and walk for 5 minutes
Nicola Sanniweb Sannino on Google

Posto tranquillo, per la maggior parte del tempo dell'anno è pulito. Utilissime anche le panchine in pietra lungo il percorso per sedersi, un luogo perfetto per fare un picnic a sacco.
Quiet place, most of the time of the year it is clean. The stone benches along the path to sit are also very useful, a perfect place to have a picnic.
Marco Migliardi on Google

Mohammad Kobari on Google

Perfect for a BBQ day and chilling!
Titania Banfi (Tita) on Google

I spent every summer of my life swimming in this river and jumping off the bridge. Now the area has barbecues, rubbish bins and areas where to have picnics, so it’s not as quiet as when I was a little kid. But I still love it and you can still find corners of peace and nature. Just don’t go into the river if you can’t swim.

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