Ortopedia Laino S.r.l.

4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Ortopedia Laino S.r.l.

Address :

Via Maddaloni, 6, 80134 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9888
Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Maddaloni, 6, 80134 Napoli NA, Italy
Massimo Laino on Google


gino puerio on Google

A F on Google

Francesca Grimaldi on Google

Lucrezia on Google

È la seconda volta che mi rivolgo all'Ortopedia Laino: la prima volta avevo bisogno di un letto di degenza la seconda, volta ho portato mio mio nipote per le cosidette '' scarpe ortopediche''. Il ragazzo alla reception mi ha saputo dare tutte le informazioni che mi servivano sulle pratiche necessarie per l' Asl, mentre la ragazza ha saputo spiegarmi quale fosse il tipo di scarpa e suola più u adatto per mio nipote inoltre é anche riuscita a convincerlo a indossarle. All' interno ho visto esposti molti presidi per la deambulazione e tutori post frattura lo consiglio sia per professionalità sia per efficienza.
It is the second time that I turn to Ortopedia Laino: the first time I needed a hospital bed the second time I brought my nephew for the so-called `` orthopedic shoes ''. The guy at the reception was able to give me all the information I needed on the necessary practices for the ASL, while the girl was able to explain to me what was the most suitable type of shoe and sole for my nephew and also managed to convince him to wear them . Inside I have seen many aids for walking and post fracture braces on display. I recommend it both for professionalism and efficiency.
Elena Sánchez on Google

Hemos pasado unos días en Nápoles, primera salida al extranjero en tiempos de pandemia. Desgraciadamente, uno de nosotros se torció el tobillo y tuvimos que comprar unas muletas en esta ortopedia. El dueño nos dijo que nos mandaría la factura una vez que le enviara todos los datos por correo electrónico. No lo ha hecho. Para nosotros suponía recuperar 30 euros para él, molestarse en hacer la factura. No hemos podido disfrutar de esta maravillosa ciudad como hubiéramos querido, lástima que usted haya contribuido a hacer la estancia menos grata aún. Ya no se trata tanto del dinero... es el gesto tan feo.
We have spent a few days in Naples, the first trip abroad in times of a pandemic. Unfortunately one of us sprained his ankle and we had to buy crutches at this orthopedic. The owner told us that he would send us the invoice once he sent him all the data by email. It has not. For us it meant recovering 30 euros for him, bothering to do the invoice. We have not been able to enjoy this wonderful city as we would have liked, it is a pity that you have contributed to making the stay even less pleasant. It's not so much about the money anymore ... it's the ugly gesture.

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