
4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact MPREIS-Supermarkt

Address :

Venetostraße, 51, 39042 Brixen, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy

Categories :
City : Südtirol

Venetostraße, 51, 39042 Brixen, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy
Chafai Fatnassi on Google

Ottima posizione grande parcheggio vasta scelta dei prodotti i prezzi sono leggermente cari personale molto gentile e professionale
Excellent location, large parking, wide choice of products, prices are slightly expensive, very polite and professional staff
R B on Google

wir kauften seit Jahren hier ein.... meine Tochter musste auf die Toilette und weil sie nicht mit der für sie fremden Mitarbeiter alleine mitgehen wollte konnten sie nicht auf Toilette gehen. Es ist sehr traurig, dass Stammkunden so behandelt werden!!!!
we have been shopping here for years.... my daughter had to go to the toilet and because she didn't want to go alone with the employee who was unfamiliar to her, she couldn't go to the toilet. It is very sad that regular customers are treated like this!!!!
matteo valdemarin on Google

Bel supermercato con prodotti austriaci altrimenti non reperibili. Eccezionali le carni ed i formaggi, carente la frutta. Prezzi alti, fatte salve le numerose offerte.
Nice supermarket with Austrian products otherwise not available. Exceptional meats and cheeses, lacking fruit. High prices, subject to the numerous offers.
Roberto De Mola on Google

Bel supermercato con cura nell’esposizione e nella tipologia di prodotti. Prezzi buoni. Anche se in chiusura il personale dovrebbe essere un po’ più elegante nell’indicare che bisogn andar via, peccato, ho rinunciato ai miei acquisti indisposto del modus operandi.
Nice supermarket with careful display and type of products. Good prices. Although in closing the staff should be a little more elegant in indicating that they need to leave, too bad, I gave up my purchases indisposed of the modus operandi.
Pei An on Google

Non abito molto vicino a questo supermercato ma voglio sempre venire qua perché è bellissimo e organizzato, gentile e prezzo giusto! Rispetto il supermercato che è vicino a casa mia che è Eurospar via plose 21 , andare a Mpreis a fare la spesa è una gioia! Noi paghiamo per essere felici, nessuno paga per essere trattata male, quindi preferisco andare più lontano e trovato un posto che mi piace.
I don't live very close to this supermarket but I always want to come here because it's beautiful and organized, kind and right price! Compared to the supermarket that is near my house which is Eurospar via plose 21, going to Mpreis to do the shopping is a joy! We pay to be happy, nobody pays to be treated badly, so I prefer to go further and find a place that I like.
M on Google

Alles OK. Der Parkplatz ist groß, sauber und kostenlos. Das Geschäftslokal ist ebenfalls recht groß, sauber, es mangelt nicht an Sonderangebote, die Preise sind in Großen und Ganzen konkurrenzfähig sodass man hier günstig und gut einkaufen kann. Die Qualität der angebotenen Produkte ist ebenfalls recht gut. Freundliches Personal.
Everything OK. The parking lot is large, clean and free. The business premises are also quite large, clean, there is no lack of special offers, the prices are by and large competitive so that you can shop here cheaply and well. The quality of the products offered is also quite good. Friendly staff.
Иван Некрасов on Google

Sport Camps on Google

quality products

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