Museo Archeologico Di Napoli - Sezione Egizia

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Museo Archeologico Di Napoli - Sezione Egizia

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Piazza Museo, 19, 80135 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Napoli

Piazza Museo, 19, 80135 Napoli NA, Italy
Saverio M. (S.M. recensioni) on Google

Dovete andare a Londra o New York per trovare tanta storia egiziana. I reperti sono di una bellezza disarmante. D'altronde non ci potevamo aspettare altro dalla città più Egiziaca che si possa trovare oltre i confini del paese dei faraoni. In confronto a questo la sezione egizia del museo di Torino è una ludoteca per bambini. Mi dispiace che non ci sia stato consentito di fare foto per conservare l'integrità dei manufatti. You have to go to London or New York to find so much Egyptian history. The exhibits are of disarming beauty. On the other hand, we could not expect anything else from the most Egyptian city that can be found beyond the borders of the land of the pharaohs. Compared to this, the Egyptian section of the Turin museum is a playroom for children. I am sorry that we were not allowed to take photos to preserve the integrity of the artifacts. Tienes que ir a Londres o Nueva York para encontrar tanta historia egipcia. Las exhibiciones son de una belleza cautivadora. Por otro lado, no podíamos esperar otra cosa de la ciudad más egipcia que se puede encontrar más allá de las fronteras de la tierra de los faraones. En comparación con esto, la sección egipcia del museo de Turín es una sala de juegos para niños. Lamento que no se nos permitiera tomar fotos para preservar la integridad de los artefactos. Il faut aller à Londres ou à New York pour trouver autant d'histoire égyptienne. Les expositions sont d'une beauté désarmante. En revanche, on ne pouvait rien attendre d'autre de la ville la plus égyptienne que l'on puisse trouver au-delà des frontières du pays des pharaons. Par rapport à cela, la section égyptienne du musée de Turin est une salle de jeux pour enfants. Je suis désolé que nous n'ayons pas été autorisés à prendre des photos pour préserver l'intégrité des artefacts.
Dovete andare a London or New York per trovare tanta storia egiziana. I reperti sono di una bellezza disarmante. D'altronde non ci potevamo aspettare altro dalla città più Egiziaca che si possa trovare oltre i confini del paese dei faraoni. In confronto a questo la section egizia del museo di Torino è una ludoteca per bambini. Mi dispiace che non ci sia stato consento di fare foto per conservare l'integrità dei manufatti. You have to go to London or New York to find so much Egyptian history. The exhibits are of disarming beauty. On the other hand, we could not expect anything else from the most Egyptian city that can be found beyond the borders of the land of the pharaohs. Compared to this, the Egyptian section of the Turin museum is a playroom for children. I am sorry that we were not allowed to take photos to preserve the integrity of the artifacts. Tienes que ir a Londres o Nueva York para encontrar tanta historia egipcia. Las exhibitions son de una belleza cautivadora. Por otro lado, no podíamos esperar otra cosa de la ciudad más egipcia que se puede encontrar más allá de las fronteras de la tierra de los faraones. In comparison con esto, la sección egipcia del museo de Turin es una sala de juegos para niños. Lament that we will allow our photos to preserve the integrity of the artifacts. You have to go to London or New York to find so much Egyptian history. The exhibits are disarmingly beautiful. On the other hand, nothing else could be expected from the most Egyptian city that can be found beyond the borders of the land of the pharaohs. Compared to this, the Egyptian section of the Turin museum is a children's playroom. I am sorry that we were not allowed to take photos to preserve the integrity of the artifacts.
Michele Personal Trainer on Google

Strepitoso, meraviglioso ed unico al mondo,meglio del Louvre e del British museum per quanto concerne in civiltà antiche. VIVA IL MANN
Amazing, wonderful and unique in the world, better than the Louvre and the British museum as far as ancient civilizations are concerned. LONG LIVE THE MANN
Giacomo Ferrari on Google

Museo veramente incredibile. Ha una quantità di opere di incredibile pregio e veramente numerose. Diviso in diversi settori tutti estremamente interessanti. Il prezzo forse un pó caro ma li vale tutti. Bellissimo
Truly amazing museum. It has a quantity of works of incredible value and truly numerous. Divided into several sectors, all extremely interesting. The price maybe a little expensive but it is worth them all. Very beautifull
Clemente Veltri on Google

Il Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli è un museo statale italiano. In virtù del suo ricco e pregevole patrimonio di opere d'arte e manufatti, disposti su una superficie espositiva di 12.650 m²,[1] è considerato uno dei più importanti musei archeologici al mondo, se non il più importante per quanto riguarda l'arte romana
The National Archaeological Museum of Naples is an Italian state museum. By virtue of its rich and valuable heritage of works of art and artifacts, arranged over an exhibition area of ​​12,650 m², [1] it is considered one of the most important archaeological museums in the world, if not the most important as regards art Roman
Hvd W on Google

Splendid, a very very beautiful museum. One has to combine it with at least a visit to Herculaneum (Ercolano) and/or Pompeii. The museum gets 4 stars out of 5 because of the toilets that are not high standard, the cafe that has the quality of a snack bar in a big city or worse and the ever penetrating smell of smoke of smokers all around the ground floor. This comes from smokers in de atriums and outside. It should be forbidden to smoke in the atriums and just outside. Not having a quality cafe as the vast majority of museums have is a misfit that should be rectified asap.
Maria Knight on Google

So many artifacts allow more than one visist
Chryssanthie Polyzou on Google

There are no words for this museum. Just awe for all the wonders one can admire.
D A on Google

Recommanded ! Its suggested to arrive early morning to enjoy the museum while its empty. Really nice Manga exhibition. The entrance was free of charge on the 1st of May 2022 (Labor day).

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