International Pharmacy Of Pellico Fiorella

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact International Pharmacy Of Pellico Fiorella

Address :

Via Libertà, 96/98, 89861 Tropea VV, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 89861
Website :
Categories :
City : Tropea

Via Libertà, 96/98, 89861 Tropea VV, Italy
Luca Bergamo on Google

Ottima farmacia, fornita.
Excellent pharmacy, stocked.
Bruno A on Google

Avevo la necessità di prendere una crema e la Farmacia internazionale era quella più vicina. Il personale mi ha dato le informazioni necessarie ed il medicinale che cercavo. Quando ho posto delle domande un po' diverse dalle normali ha mostrato qualche difficoltà nella risposta.
I needed to take a cream and the International Pharmacy was the closest. The staff gave me the necessary information and the medicine I was looking for. When I asked some questions that were a little different from normal, he showed some difficulty in answering.
Надежда Яремчук on Google

Купила в этой аптеке парфюм R.. a G.. на подарок. Всё расспросила про подлинность, про сроки годности. Дамочка меня заверила, что все в порядке. Уже дома расшифровала батч код по интернету, оказалось, что до окончания срока осталось всего 4 месяца. Вернувшись туда, и объяснив ситуацию, мол, зачем мне парфюм в 100 мл всего на 4 месяца! Поменяйте на свежее!!!! И нарвалась на грубость с боку персонала!!!! Очень плохой осадок остался от общения с персоналом и вообще об этой аптеке. Не рекомендую что-либо там покупать!!!
I bought R .. a G .. perfume in this pharmacy as a gift. I asked everything about the authenticity, about the expiration date. The lady assured me that everything was in order. Already at home I decoded the batch code on the Internet, it turned out that there were only 4 months left until the end of the term. Returning there, and explaining the situation, they say, why do I need perfume in 100 ml for only 4 months! Change to fresh !!!! And ran into rudeness from the side of the staff !!!! A very bad aftertaste remained from communication with the staff and in general about this pharmacy. I do not recommend buying anything there !!!
Giuseppe Colurcio on Google

dovrebbero togliersi il camice in primis la dott.ssa e lo scrivo con la d minuscola perché nn merita altro e poi i farmacisti se cosi si possono chiamare, non ho fatto la denuncia a l'ordine dei medici solo perché mia moglie e troppo buona e mi chiesto di lasciar scorrere tutto, ma vi dico una cosa siete persone che campano sulle disgrazie altrui e nn mostrate nessuna onore né al camice che portate ne alla sipilla che avete sullo stesso. Detto questo mi auguro che la legge si metta a piu presto in movimento. Se nn sarà questa legge a punirvi mi auguro a più presto quella del nostro Signore Dio.
should take off the gown primarily the doctor and I write it with a small d because it deserves more and then the pharmacists if you can call it, I did not report the order of doctors only because my wife is too good and asked me to let it all flow, but I tell you something you are people who live on the misfortunes of others and you show no honor to the shirt you wear or to the sipilla you have on it. Having said that, I hope that the law will be set in motion as soon as possible. If this law will not punish you, I hope sooner than that of our Lord God.
Chiara Tropea on Google

Qualche giorno fa mi è capitato di comprare alcune cose presso la farmacia internazionale di tropea. Giunta a casa, guardando lo scontrino e confrontandolo con il resto, mi accorgevo che all'appello mancavano 10€. Il giorno dopo, mi presentai per chiarire quanto accaduto e mi veniva riferito che sarei dovuta tornare lo stesso momento dell'acquisto. Con questo voglio evidenziare (essendo cliente) quanto poco professionale ed ignobile sia stata l'affermazione del personale di questa farmacia, che oltre a non metterci più piede ne farò pubblicità negativa!
A few days ago I happened to buy some things at the international pharmacy in Tropea. When I got home, looking at the receipt and comparing it with the rest, I realized that there was no € 10 left for the call. The next day, I presented myself to clarify what had happened and was told that I would have to return at the same time as the purchase. With this I want to highlight (being a customer) how unprofessional and ignoble the affirmation of the staff of this pharmacy was, that in addition to not setting foot there I will do negative publicity!
Antimo Audino on Google

Normale farmacia in cui comprare se si hanno già idee chiare su cosa prendere.
Normal pharmacy to buy in if you already have a clear idea of ​​what to buy.
Francesco Zappala on Google

Farmacia molto fornita dal personale cortese ed estremamente competente, che ha saputo darmi ottimi suggerimenti circa il mio problema. Fornitissimi reparti di cosmesi, cibo per celiaci e ortopedia.
Pharmacy well supplied by the courteous and extremely competent staff, who were able to give me excellent suggestions about my problem. Well-stocked departments of cosmetics, food for celiacs and orthopedics.
Cyrus Cheung Yildiz on Google

Got what we wanted, just a bit pricey.

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