IN BALLOON Exclusive Flights

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Contact IN BALLOON Exclusive Flights

Address :

Via Alba, 22, 12060 Barolo CN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +987
Postal code : 12060
Website :
Categories :
City : Barolo

Via Alba, 22, 12060 Barolo CN, Italy
Giovanni Ghigliotti on Google

Ottima esperienza questo volo in mongolfiera! Si parte presto, alle 6 del mattino, e si vola per almeno un'ora sopra le splendide colline delle Langhe. Sotto, si stende il meraviglioso panorama delle vigne, dei campi di nocciolo, dei piccoli borghi, in un susseguirsi ordinato e preciso. Paul, il pilota, è bravissimo e molto esperto, a terra lo staff ti segue con i mezzi. Alla fine viene offerto un brunch appetitoso in una cantina. E poi foto, intero filmato del volo, diploma, tanta simpatia. Davvero bravi!
Great experience this balloon flight! We leave early, at 6 in the morning, and fly for at least an hour over the beautiful hills of the Langhe. Below, the wonderful panorama of the vineyards, the hazelnut fields, the small villages stretches out in an orderly and precise succession. Paul, the pilot, is very good and very experienced, on the ground the staff follows you with the means. At the end, an appetizing brunch is offered in a cellar. And then photos, the entire video of the flight, diploma, lots of sympathy. Really good!
Alessandro Colò on Google

Fantastica esperienza nei cieli delle Langhe. Ritrovo e partenza all’interno di un campo da calcio ubicato a bordo strada, nel nostro caso i venti tiravano verso Sud, e così in 1 ora di volo siamo arrivati fino a Dogliani percorrendo circa 10km. Staff molto preparato e professionale, e a fine volo, ottimo aperitivo offerto con le specialità locali. Da provare!!
Fantastic experience in the skies of the Langhe. Meeting and departure inside a football field located on the side of the road, in our case the winds were pulling towards the south, and so in 1 hour of flight we reached Dogliani covering about 10km. Very trained and professional staff, and at the end of the flight, an excellent aperitif offered with local specialties. To try!!
Nicoletta Rittà on Google

Abbiamo volato a Marzo con partenza da Barolo e sorvolato i paesi di Barolo e Novello e le colline circostanti: l'esperienza del volo ed i paesaggi sono una bellezza assoluta!!!!Al termine, il Sig. Valter ed il Capitano Paul ci hanno accompagnato in una Vineria a Diano d'Alba dove abbiamo gustato un ottimo brunch. Abbiamo trovato lo staff di In Balloon molto gentile, efficiente e e preparato. E' stata una esperienza fantastica che consiglio assolutamente di provare.
We flew in March with departure from Barolo and flew over the villages of Barolo and Novello and the surrounding hills: the experience of flying and the landscapes are an absolute beauty !!!! At the end, Mr. Valter and Captain Paul have us accompanied to a winery in Diano d'Alba where we enjoyed an excellent brunch. We found the In Balloon staff to be very polite, efficient and knowledgeable. It was a fantastic experience that I absolutely recommend trying.
Gianluca Pescetto on Google

Esperienza meravigliosa! Dalla preparazione della mongolfiera al decollo, dal viaggio nel silenzio e dalla pace totale in balia del vento all'atterraggio, tutto è un'emozione unica e irripetibile. E a gestire il tutto, pilota e staff fantastici. 10 stelle. Non 5!
Wonderful experience! From the preparation of the balloon to take-off, from the journey into silence and from total peace at the mercy of the wind to landing, everything is a unique and unrepeatable emotion. And to manage it all, fantastic driver and staff. 10 stars. Not 5!
Eleonora Traverso on Google

Esperienza davvero incredibile. Siamo partiti dal campo volo di Barolo ed è stato tutto stupendo. Paul, il nostro pilota, è stato davvero professionale e simpatico, così come il resto dello staff! Un punto a favore anche all’aperitivo finale nella cantina, dove abbiamo avuto l’occasione di fare qualche domanda al pilota e ascoltare la sua storia. Un’esperienza magica da fare almeno una volta nella vita! Grazie!
Truly amazing experience. We started from the Barolo airfield and it was all wonderful. Paul, our pilot, was really professional and personable, as were the rest of the staff! A plus point also for the final aperitif in the cellar, where we had the opportunity to ask the rider a few questions and listen to his story. A magical experience to do at least once in a lifetime! Thanks!
Martin Beuvelot on Google

We had a wonderful experience combining the 1h evening flight in itself, but also benefiting of the patience & determination of Kiara to arrange the details, the devoted flight team, the so local & great brunch & discussion afterwards & finally photos & video that added to memories & fun. I fully recommend to enjoy in-balloon proposal & i wish the team a prosperous future
Robert Alexander on Google

A fantastic ride with an incredibly soft landing a must do when your in the Langhe. The whole team at inballoon was very professional bravi ! I will definitely do this again
Niccolo' Cascarano on Google

Really amazing experience flying over the land of Barolo with a hot air balloon. Stunning view on the sunset and great to learn so many things on what flying on a hot air balloon means. Closing the day with a traditional "merenda sinoira" ("snack-dinner") in "La Morra" town which we flew over during the trip. I highly recommend it.

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