Centro Giardinaggio San Fruttuoso

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro Giardinaggio San Fruttuoso

Address :

Viale Lombardia, 237, 20900 Monza MB, Italy

Phone : 📞 +997
Postal code : 20900
Website : https://www.giardinaggiosanfruttuoso.it/
Categories :
City : Monza

Viale Lombardia, 237, 20900 Monza MB, Italy
Ivan on Google

Forse le piante, leggo durano e son curate.Ma non avvicinatevi nemmeno lontanamente al reparto Pesci: 1.sembra che se gli chiedi qualcosa stai chiedendo un favore, e rispondono sempre svogliati e scocciati2. i pesci venduti non sono di qualità pessima, ma direi di piu.Gia nel viaggio, di 3 km a casa mia, uno era morto, l'altro appena messo in vasca è durato 3 ore....peccato che nella mia vasca ci siano gia 4 pesci da anni..... pessima assistenza, personale inqualficato per acquariologia, e i soldi del cliente son tutti uguali, ricordo questo allo staff del reparto. buon 2022, che sia l 'anno del cambiamento, magari di qualche membro dello staff? auguri
Maybe the plants, I read, last and are well cared for. But don't even come close to the Pisces department: 1. it seems that if you ask them something you are asking a favor, and they always answer listless and annoyed2. the fish sold are not of bad quality, but I would say more. Already in the trip, of 3 km to my house, one was dead, the other just put in the tank lasted 3 hours .... pity that in my tank there are already 4 fish for years ..... bad assistance, staff qualified for aquariology, and the customer's money is all the same, I remind the staff of the department. happy 2022, may it be the year of change, perhaps for some staff member? congratulations
Dani Manz on Google

Reparto piante e fiori ben assortito. Reparto animali curato bene, alcuni mangimi di marca hanno prezzi molto economici che in altre grosse catene di prodotti per animali costano molto di più. Hanno anche un buona gamma di barbecue. Alcune cassiere purtroppo sono scontrose e arroganti. Tutto sommato però un buon posto con un bel assortimento in generale.
Well-stocked plant and flower department. Animal department well cared for, some branded feeds have very cheap prices that in other large chains of pet products cost much more. They also have a good range of barbecues. Unfortunately, some cashiers are surly and arrogant. All in all though a good place with a nice assortment in general.
walter zannoni on Google

Il reparto piante ok, il reparto animali PESSIMO, cordialità 0. Da 9 giorni tento di ritirare dei pacchetti omaggio royal canin e pare sia un’impresa darmeli (un’altro negozio mi ha letto il codice in cassa senza problemi). In questo posto lasciavamo almeno 100 euro al mese tra mangimi e accessori e dobbiamo essere trattati così per 3 pacchetti di crocchette. Mai più. Non c’è mai la persona che sa le cose.
The plant department ok, the animal department BAD, friendliness 0. For 9 days I have been trying to collect some royal canin gift packages and it seems to be a challenge to give them to me (another shop read the code at the checkout without any problems). In this place we left at least 100 euros a month between feed and accessories and we have to be treated like this for 3 packages of croquettes. Never again. There is never the person who knows things.
Adriano Locatelli on Google

Bella esperienza. Libero di girare tranquillamente e di scegliere la piantina che preferisci. Grande quantità di scelta nel reparto verdure. Alcune sono già state trapiantate.
Good experience. Free to turn around quietly and choose the map you prefer. Large amount of choice in the vegetable section. Some have already been transplanted.
Stefania Terpolilli on Google

ஜனா தமிழன் on Google

Excellent shop.. lot of variety... plants.. seeds.. pet animals.. aquarium.. pets products... decorating items.. etc.. the working people there are very humble and always answers with smiling face..
Ray on Google

I always get what i want from this store. Size is big enough considering the location, close to Milano center. When i compare the prize for some of the item to online shop, it was more than 25% cheaper than AmXzon. Highly recommended.
Bianca MM on Google

I absolutely love this gardening center, they have high quality plants and trees, butt also garden goods and furniture and the most premium animal did, biscuits, cushions, gadgets. They also provide good gardening services and landscape artists. I use their services now continuously, and they do an excellent job with a city garden, not easy at all. I went today for 3 trees, lots of choices and great prices. | bought a gorgeous camellia japonica Black Lace, not cheap but stunning.

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