Caffè Re d'Italia - 4

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Caffè Re d'Italia

Address :

Italy, 30035 Mirano VE, 4, Piazza Martiri della Libertà,Caffè Re d'Italia

Phone : 📞 +9
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 7:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–8:30PM
Thursday 7:30AM–12AM
Friday 7:30AM–12AM
Saturday 7:30AM–12AM
Sunday 7:30AM–8:30PM
Categories :

Italy, 30035 Mirano VE, 4, Piazza Martiri della Libertà,Caffè Re d'Italia

Не большое кафе на центральнее площади. Вкусное кофе и небольшой выбор закусок и сладостей.
Not a big cafe in the central square. Delicious coffee and a small selection of snacks and sweets.
E V on Google

Bel posto ma il personale è da rivedere completamente. Come baristi / camerieri bisogna cercare di assumere delle persone professionali e competenti.... Inoltre il pavimento era visibilmente sporco !!!!!!!!! Date un'occhiata ogni tanto. Per favore....
Nice place but the staff is to be completely reviewed. As bartenders / waiters you have to try to hire professional and competent people .... In addition, the floor was visibly dirty !!!!!!!!! Take a look every now and then. Please....
alessandro zannoni on Google

Buoni i panini e toast, ho assaggiato quello con la porchetta ed era molto buono. Male Spritz perché annacquato. Nel complesso un buon posto per fermarsi per uno spuntino.
Good sandwiches and toast, I tasted the one with porchetta and it was very good. Bad Spritz because watered down. Overall a good place to stop for a snack.
Gianna Marcato on Google

È un caffé ricco di storia, da decenni l'anima della socialità del paese, ma anche il simbolo di quell'antagonismo storico tra centro e campagne circostanti che ha per decenni caratterizzato la città di Mirano. Una città il cui centro storico cresciuto attorno agli insediamenti dei nobili Veneziani, che una terra ricca di acque e di terreni coltivabili aveva attratto fin dai secoli d'oro della Serenissima, da sempre era stato un forte baluardo contro la campagna, sempre guardata con diffidenza ed aria di superiorità dagli storici abituées del caffè Re d'Italia. Narravano un tempo che solo le persone più abbienti del centro osavano frequentarlo, gli altri nemmeno di arrischiavano a passare sotto il porticato prospiciente per non esporsi a critiche taglienti. Era o i tempi in cui esisteva una forte differenza anche nel modo di parlare: un dialetto di tipo veneziano per i signori del centro, un dialetto più pesante di tipo padovano per gli abitanti delle campagne immediatamente a ridosso del centro. Cose di un secolo fa, da tutti quasi dimenticati. Ora il locale storico che grazie alla sensibilità e al buon gusto degli attuali gestori ha mantenuta intatta la poesia dell'arredamento è un luogo accogliente di ritrovo, frequentato da chi ama gustare un buon caffè, ma anche un buon calice di vino assieme ad uno spuntino sostanzioso, soprattutto nei giorni in cui per eventi vari la piazza di Mirano è in festa.
It is a coffee rich in history, for decades the soul of the country's sociality, but also the symbol of that historical antagonism between the center and the surrounding countryside that has characterized the city of Mirano for decades. A city whose historic center grew up around the settlements of the Venetian nobles, which a land rich in water and arable land had attracted since the golden age of the Serenissima, had always been a strong bulwark against the countryside, always viewed with distrust. and air of superiority from the historical habituées of the King of Italy coffee. Once upon a time they told that only the wealthiest people of the center dared to frequent it, the others even dared to pass under the facing portico in order not to expose themselves to sharp criticism. It was the times when there was also a strong difference in the way of speaking: a Venetian-type dialect for the lords of the center, a heavier Paduan-type dialect for the inhabitants of the countryside immediately close to the center. Things of a century ago, almost forgotten by everyone. Now the historic place that thanks to the sensitivity and good taste of the current managers has kept the poetry of the furnishings intact is a welcoming meeting place, frequented by those who love to enjoy a good coffee, but also a good glass of wine together with a snack substantial, especially on days when the square of Mirano is celebrating for various events.
Alessandro Azara on Google

Elegante storico bar del centro. Arredo dell'epoca e atmosfera dei primi del novecento. Piatti ed aperitivi tipici. Consigliato.
Elegant historic bar in the center. Furniture of the time and atmosphere of the early twentieth century. Typical dishes and aperitifs. Recommended.
Sigfrido on Google

Luogo storico di Mirano, ci sono stato con mia moglie un po' di volte e visto il periodo in cui ci troviamo ci siamo sempre seduti in esterno. Abbiamo preso spritz rigorosamente con Campari che purtroppo non viene servito con uno standard cioè una volta può essere troppo forte, eccesso di Campari, e un'altra completamente scialbo, anacquato, l'ultima volta che ci siamo andati come sempre ci siamo seduti all'aperto e c'era solo un altro tavolino occupati ma dopo un po' che aspettavo mi sono dovuto alzare e andare a ordinare all'interno dove il personale stava tranquillamente gioccherelando con il telefono invece di fare attenzione se arrivavano clienti, un vero peccato per il locale storico della piazza.
Historical place of Mirano, I have been there with my wife a few times and given the period in which we are, we always sat outside. We took spritz strictly with Campari which unfortunately is not served with a standard that is once it can be too strong, excess of Campari, and another completely dull, watered down, the last time we went there as always we sat at the open and there was only one other table occupied but after a while waiting I had to get up and go to order inside where the staff were quietly fiddling with the phone instead of paying attention if customers were arriving, a real shame for the historical place of the square.
mes pet on Google

Fascinating place for having Italian breakfast. Moreover, serving rarely found, excellent coffee blended by Gambato.
Asiyah Noemi Koso on Google

A historic place that we immediately liked. The atmosphere is beautiful, decorated with a special charm that immediately attracts the guest. Located in the heart of the beautiful large square in Mirano ( piazza di Mirano ), the restaurant was founded by Giuseppe Cavallari and Gilda Casarin in the late nineteenth century, after the unification of Italy. An interesting history additionally evokes its attractiveness. Caffe Re d’Italia has always been an important social, political and cultural reference point, the place has, in fact, hosted many nobles, owners of the great Venetian villas Miranese, who had privileged access to the bar. At least in 2012, it received a privileged title and was included in the prestigious list that includes the oldest quality bars in Italy. From the vaulted terrace there is a beautiful view of the square, and the right place to enjoy a great aperitif for example Spritz Aperol. When it comes to food, it’s a special story. We were thrilled with the local specialties, prepared in front of us on the terrace of the bar, the porchetta sandwich ( panino porchetta e salsa Pepata ) e lampredotto sandwich. We were lucky that there was a goose on the menu that day. So we continued with a great risotto with goose ragout, or a great pasta with the same ragout. The highlight was a phenomenal roast goose with a seasonal side dish of caramelized radicchio from Treviso (Radicchio Rosso di Treviso) and roasted potatoes. For dessert we had a great strudel with cheese. All this was accompanied by the excellent Chardonnay wine from Veneto. Finally all praises chef. The staff is extremely friendly and dear. Prices are reasonable. We enjoyed everything at every moment.

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