Bubbamara - Food Experience

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bubbamara - Food Experience

Address :

Via S. Nazario, 52, 34151 Trieste TS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Categories :
City : Trieste

Via S. Nazario, 52, 34151 Trieste TS, Italy
Chiara D'Arco on Google

Il locale è curato in ogni dettaglio, dall’arredamento al menu, alla presentazione dei piatti. La cucina offre piatti molto variegati e particolari,adatti a tutti i gusti! Cibo di qualità e non banale. Oltre al cibo una cosa importante è come si presenta il bagno, anche questo molto curato e pulito. Adatto a famiglie, coppie e comitive. Insomma consigliatissimo!
The restaurant is taken care of in every detail, from the furniture to the menu, to the presentation of the dishes. The kitchen offers very varied and special dishes, suitable for all tastes! Quality food and not trivial. In addition to food, an important thing is the appearance of the bathroom, which is also very neat and clean. Suitable for families, couples and groups. In short, highly recommended!
Debora Gocciadoro on Google

Ho trovato insieme ai miei amiciquesto locale , mentre percorrevo la strada pedonale del Carso. Ci siamo fermati a mangiare . Location moderna e ben tenuta. Piatti ben presentati . Scelta del menù abbastanza varia. Prezzi nella norma.
I found this place with my friends while I was walking on the pedestrian street of the Karst. We stopped to eat. Modern and well-kept location. Well presented dishes. Quite varied menu choice. Normal prices.
Marco “Mrc P7” Puppin on Google

Veramente una sorpresa. Ho mangiato già due volte, e ogni volta non ho trovato nessun difetto ai panini o alle birre. Pane molto morbido, ingredienti di prima qualità, ampia scelta sulla carne usata per gli hamburger. Non si tratta del solito pub o del solito hamburger, qua troverete un menù studiato, con ottime birre studiate in abbinata anche con i panini. Complimenti
Truly a surprise. I have eaten twice already, and every time I have found no fault with the sandwiches or beers. Very soft bread, top quality ingredients, wide selection of meat used for hamburgers. This is not the usual pub or burger, here you will find a menu studied, with excellent beers designed also in combination with sandwiches. Congratulations
Francesca Santese on Google

abbiamo fatto qua il rinfresco per il battesimo di nostra figlia...il cibo è stato tutto ottimo, finger food particolari e molto buoni apprezzati da tutti gli invitati. ma non sono mancate anche pizza e nuggles di pollo per i bimbi! il locale è molto curato come anche il servizio.grande attenzione ai dettagli e professionalità del gestore. consigliatissimo!
we had refreshments here for the baptism of our daughter ... the food was all excellent, particular and very good finger food appreciated by all the guests. but there was also pizza and chicken nuggles for the kids! the restaurant is very nice as well as the service. great attention to detail and professionalism of the manager. Highly recommended!
Cate C on Google

Attenzione, fino ad aprile il Bubbamara era aperto ma solo per prendere il cibo per asporto. Ora sembrerebbe chiuso, da quanto ho letto sulla loro pagina Facebook. Ho valutato 5 stelle perché alcuni mesi fa il cibo era tutto ottimo.
Attention, until April the Bubbamara was open but only to take food for take away. Now it seems closed, from what I read on their Facebook page. I rated 5 stars because a few months ago the food was all great.
Ernesto Cerullo on Google

Dopo averne provati molti. Decisamente il migliore di Trieste. Panini di super qualità. Personale estremamente cordiale. Da provare.
After having tried many. Definitely the best in Trieste. Super quality sandwiches. Extremely friendly staff. To try.
Cordell Cecil on Google

Amazing food, great service, atmosphere is great and the staff and owner are awesome. Big burgers, great dishes and alcohol selection. Worth the 25min drive.
Carlo Gubitosa on Google

After some excellent appetizers I had the best burger of my life, even better than the ones I had in renown places of New York and other major US cities. Talk with the owners and ask them to describe all the ingredients and how they "engineered" them together. Ask also for special top-quality beverages made with natural ingredients, like mandarinata or chinotto, and try the ice cream made out of rose petals or other rare flavors like pinolata (pine cone seeds) or salty chocolate. Best value for money in the area.

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